Two guys rob and vandalize a jewelry store, or like the french say, a bijouterie.
One of the guys is about to take his mask off in front of the security camera but ... cut. We don't get to see it yet.
Now back to the store before the assault, Teresa is there buying a gift for Andrea.
Ruth is on the phone with Teresa, she wants to talk to Andrea but she's in the toilet ... throwing up.
Tomorrow is Andrea's 18th birthday, Teresa asks her if she has already decided what she wants to do to celebrate it, Andrea says it means nothing to her that she's 18 and she doesn't care.
Teresa: Think about it and tell me, we'll do whatever you want.
Andrea: Whatever I want, are you sure?
Teresa: Whatever you want.
Cristobal is having lunch with Federico and the owner of the lingerie brand they're manufacturing at Capadocia.
Cristobal says they have 3 months to deliver a huge order. She is worried for a second but Cristobal assures her everything will be fine they just have to ask the inmates to work more. She invites him to join her business but Cristobal refuses. He wants to make sure his name will never be related to this, in case someone finds the drugs.
He then mentions what a great woman she is for giving jobs to these women.
They toast.
Cristobal: For the jobs in this Country!
Woman: For the jobs.
Federico: For the country.
They are all so kind. Sigh.
At Capadocia La Negra is a little nervous, bossing everyone around telling the inmates to be careful with the products.

La Negra: Who's carrying all these boxes?
Marta is. And a girl laughs and says Who is she? Employee of the month?

She trips up and cuts her hand. And to clean the blood grabs one of the bras which is enough to piss La Negra off, even more.

La Negra shouts out that no one is allowed to grab anything without her permission.
Marta gets the taser.
Isabel walks in and is not pleased to see La Negra abusing her authority.
I remember Isabel was the one who tried the new tasers on a girl just because she was laughing ...

At this moment Isabel is holding the bra.

La Negra is saved.
Cheers to you Lorena.

Teresa is trying to get 22 inmates to be released.
She had everything planned but suddenly must drop the number to 17.
Andrea is drinking (and drunk) and trying on Teresa's clothes (i think).
Andrea to Ruth (drunk and impersonating Teresa): How do i see myself ... The truth is I'm very intelligent. No Ruth, you have to try harder. You have to be like me. I help all the criminals, I don't care if they're drug addicts, killed their sons ... nothing matters because I'm so kind. I teach beautiful students who do everything I say, everything, everything ... I give them a 10 ... and fuck them.
Federico is trying to convince Teresa to increase labour hours to 12h + 12h straight shifts 7 times a week. And in two months they'll have everything done.

Teresa says she can't force anyone to work.
Federico says no one will be forced. They will be paid and make more money for them and their families. Jose thinks it's a good thing.
Isabel is worried about security. Federico tells her not to worry about security and gives her a "shup-up-will-you" look. Isabel suspects there's something behind all this.
Teresa is willing to accept as long as the inmates can choose whether they want to do it or not.
Teresa, Jose and the woman walk out leaving Federico and Isabel alone.
Isabel: I'm really surprised with your goodwill on this subject, are you her business partner now?
Federico: No, not at all. You've said it yourself ... goodwill. To help Capadocia.
Teresa is now talking to the woman, just the two of them, she's trying to persuade her to give jobs to the 22 inmates they're going to release. In one or two weeks they'll be out. Federico overhears everything.
Teresa is on the phone with the director of the male prison. She wants a favour. Let Joel visit Sofia. (the husband who was caught stealing and the wife who had an abortion). Sofia is now dreaming she's having her baby and Joel is there with her.
Federico tells Cristobal what he just heard. More than 20 inmates are about to be released. They won't be able to comply with the deadline.
Cristobal: Don't worry. I'll deny it.
Santiago is on public television to announce he's officially running for president.
La Negra tells Lorena she has more work for her (drugs). Isabel watches the two together and is more suspicious.
Santiago mentions the 20+ inmates Teresa believes are ready to be released. The girls are watching TV at Capadocia and immediately start wondering who these 20 girls might be.
To avoid problems La Negra turns off the TV.
The supreme court judge (father of the girl Lorena killed) is supporting Santiago's opponent. Andrea is now at Daniel's house, still drinking.
Andrea: Why did you sleep with me? Because I'm her daugther?
Daniel: I was confused.
Andrea: Confused? Let's see, you wanted to sleep with her ... but thought she was me , and got confused ... or what?
They keep fighting and she leaves.
Jose finds out Teresa has been looking at his mother's folders and doesn't like it.
Teresa says she was just trying to understand him better "you told me her arrest was not fair".
Jose: And now you know she was a whore.
Teresa: How can you think I care about that? The only thing I wanted to understand is why your mother ...
Jose: Understand what? Understand me, not my mother. You wanted to know why this idiot never did it. Never got married and doesn't have children.
Teresa: No, no, no. I just wanted to understand why when referring to your father you call him Padre Agustin, and your mother Amanda. That's all.
Isabel gets a call to warn her the merchandise is being transfered.
She watches her screens and notices La Negra is supervising it. Without her permission.
And off she goes.
Isabel: Allow me?
La Negra: Are you going to inspect it?
Isabel: I believe that's not your job.
La Negra: It's just that i don't think it's necessary. I've checked everything.
La Negra watches from a distance and calls someone.
Isabel inspects the products carefully.
She finds the jelly-like fillings. And what do you do when you find something you don't know what it is inside a bra? You taste it.
And then cough madly.
Isabel knows who to go to ... Lorena. Who is exercising with Magos. I bet this gives Magos some great ideas.
Here's Isabel ... or ... Isabel's ass.
Isabel: Do you know what's happening?
Lorena: No.
Isabel wanted a Yes.
Isabel: That fight this morning was only to distract me. What's this shit?
Lorena: Silicone i presume.
Wrong Answer.
Isabel: Don't be an idiot. It's drugs. Who else is in it? Lina ... Federico? Who?? I'm going to investigate and I swear .. If i find out you're in it you're going to end up in the worst prison of Mexico.
Back to Isabel's scary control room. Cristobal is waiting.
Cristobal: You disappoint me Isabel. Week after week watching the drugs go out right under your nose and you didn't notice. Doesn't send out a good image of the person in charge of security.
Isabel: I've always known you're a son of a bitch but never thought you'd get yourself into drug traffic.
Cristobal: Well we have to diversify, it's a such a competitive world.
Isabel: I will not let you use Capadocia for this.
Cristobal: No? So why aren't you talking to the police right now, instead of me? I'll tell you why Isabel, because you know you can do nothing against me (...) I need all inmates working at their best for 3 months. I don't care how you'll do it, but stop Teresa from releasing them. If not ... your father will pay the consequences first. And second, your much beloved Santiago.
Andrea drives home, apologises to Ruth and asks her not to tell Teresa. Andrea's songs are the best. (Vanexxa - He matado a mis peces)
When Teresa gets home Andrea is already sleeping so she just leaves her birthday gift there.
Oh she's not sleeping, just pretending. When Teresa walks out she throws it on the floor.
Jose is kissing a random woman again.
Jose: If i had met you the other day I'd have probably invited you to my place, but today I just want to get drunk.
A new day is born and Andrea is getting ready to leave. It's her birthday. She's interrupted by Teresa and Ruth singing what i think is happy birthday [Las Mañanitas] ... but in a very different way. *
*(The song Teresa and her younger daughter sing to Andrea is called "Mananitas," with a 'tilde' [~] over the first N. It's the traditional birthday song for Mexicans, although I've also heard it sung by Central Americans. Many Latinos also just sing "Happy Birthday" translated into Spanish, although many countries have their own birthday songs.)
By Anonymous
[Estas son las mañanitas, que cantaba el Rey David. Hoy por ser día de tu santo (cumpleaños), te las cantamos a ti.]
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Teresa asks if they're going out to dinner or to the cinema ... Andrea says "well you said I could do whatever I wanted". Having dinner and going out with her family is not what she wants. She's staying with a friend.
The inmates are desperate to know who's going out. Magos advices them to get used to the idea that they're staying at Capadocia for a long time.
Joel visits Sofia, she tells him about the abortion. He's shocked/sad. She cries.
Santiago goes to Teresa's house to give Andrea a gift and wish her happy birthday. Andrea is not there. Teresa gets a phone call. Ruth is sitting in front of Santiago, she's home because she's not feeling very well. This is supposed to be a transition scene to the phone call with Teresa but it's really funny, all i can hear is:
Ruth: And my gift?
Santiago: Is it your birthday?
Ruth: I'm sick.
I guess it's one of those "you had to be there" ... but it's funny ... really.
Andrea goes to the jewelry store with a guy she was dating before Daniel. The owner is her godmother.
Andrea says she's there to buy something for herself. The woman is showing her what they have and the boy takes the opportunity to steal the store's keys.
At Capadocia Federico and the woman who owns the lingerie brand are inspecting the products. She mentions how exaggerated the filling is.
Federico: It's for the spanish market. Spanish girls don't have breasts.
Woman: What do you know about breasts?
Teresa meets with Jose at the church.
They go to the confessional.
Jose: I confess I'm the son of a priest and a prostitute. I confess I never had the will to fall in love, to feel. It's not about having or collecting bodies but making a decision. And I made it. I did something stupid, fell in love with a patient, didn't see the consequences and she killed herself. I confess I've been really afraid of God's anger.
Isabel meets with her father and tells him everything about the drugs and what's been happening at Capadocia.

Isabel: These women think they are building a future, doing the right thing. They're just dealing drugs. And I'm part of this whether I want it or not.
General: No Isabel, and no one has the right to make you be part of it.
They have an emotional father-to-daugther talk, Isabel cries again and the general asks Isabel to stop doing things to save him, do the right thing and stop covering "an old man like me".

General: Whatever happens, don't let them win.
Teresa is helping Jose pack some things from his past ... letters, photos ...
Teresa: Like an old friend of mine used to say "growing up is not a kid's game".
Jose: I love you.
Teresa: Are you not afraid anymore?
Jose: It would be stupid to be afraid when I'm with you.
They kiss.
Cristobal is at his office with his American partner. General Clave (Isabel's father) is waiting outside.
Cristobal: General, what a surprise.
General: I'm going straight to the point Cristobal, tomorrow you're taking the drugs away from Capadocia, you have 24 hours.
Cristobal: I don't think so General.
General: I'm 74 years old, do you think I care if i have to spend the rest of my life in a military prison? But you, would you like to end up caught by the Interpol? 24 hours.
American guy is hearing everything, he joins them and shoots the General
Cristobal: What are you doing??
American: I really hope this is the last surprise I get from you.
The General is dead.
Lorena and La Colombiana are really high on ... something. Lorena sucks on her lollypop while La Colombiana smokes. They talk and laugh like someone under the influence would.

La Colombiana: You're beautiful.
Yes she is.
They find the General's body dumped at an abandoned place.

Andrea and her boyfriend are riding a motorbike, it's night, they stop and sniff something. They put the masks on. They are the two kids from the opening scene!
They open the store (he had stolen the keys) and trash it like there's no tomorrow. And that's her godmother's store, imagine if it wasn't.
When they're leaving Andrea does one last thing ... one last stupid stupid stupid thing.

Removes her mask in front of the camera and says:
Andrea: See what you've done Teresa ... I hate you! I hate you Teresa!
Cut to Teresa sleeping next to Jose, the bell rings. Santiago brings the bad news, Andrea has been arrested.
Teresa wants to go to the police station but Santiago says he already has someone taking care of it. Teresa asks him how can he think about his image at a time like this.
Santiago: I'm thinking about her! If the media find out she's our daughter she's going to be torn to pieces.
An inmate has access to the list of names about to be released. Some are happy, some are not.
At the police station everyone is trying really hard to hide the fact that Santiago's daughter has been arrested, but somehow a man (who i think is the one on the run for president against Santiago) has access to everything.
Andrea is back home, where Teresa, Santiago and Jose await her return.
Santiago: What have you done Andrea?
Santiago: I asked you a question, why have you done this?
Andrea: Whose example can i follow, when my own mother is sleeping with my boyfriend?
Santiago: Don't talk crap.
Andrea: It's not crap. Let her tell you how she was sleeping with her 25 year old student, who on top of that was my boyfriend. Tell him Teresa.
Santiago: Did you do it, Teresa?
Teresa: I don't owe you any explanation.
Santiago: What were you thinking?! First Murian (Jose), now this kid ... who else??
Teresa: That's enough Santiago! This is something i have to discuss with my daugther so please leave.
Santiago leaves.
Andrea and Teresa go to the kitchen.
Teresa: You have to listen to my side of the story Andrea.
Andrea: I don't love you anymore Teresa, you only care about your criminals, your inmates, and I'm one of them. Let's see if you appeal to me now. Send me to prison. I'd rather that than to live with you, share meals with you and see you everyday. I'd rather that ... than be the daughter of a whore.
Teresa: There's nothing in this world that I love more than you and your sister. Maybe I didn't know how to show it and ... I ask you to forgive me for that (...)
Andrea: I don't forgive you ... and I'm not asking for your forgiveness either.

This is how our parents get old.
And that's the end of episode 12.
1 comment:
The song Teresa and her younger daughter sing to Andrea is called "Mananitas," with a 'tilde' [~] over the first N. It's the traditional birthday song for Mexicans, although I've also heard it sung by Central Americans. Many Latinos also just sing "Happy Birthday" translated into Spanish, although many countries have their own birthday songs.
Also, Andrea tells Teresa "Ya no te quiero." A better translation would be "I don't LOVE you anymore."
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