There's a police raid and the two separate. She screams "Jose, Jose!" but is taken away.
Next we see Jose, the grown-up one, visiting his mother's grave along with a priest he usually goes talk to. It's not really a grave but I don't know the name. The old man is coughing and seems ill. Jose is worried.

Lorena is at the solitary for killing Bambi.
She's hallucinating and seeing her kid, Bambi, her best friend (the one she killed).
She looks insane.

La Negra walks in. Lorena is getting out of the solitary.

La Negra: Lorena, Lorena, Lorena ... Just because you killed Bambi I already like you.
She gets closer to Lorena and whispers "Don't forget me girl". And then takes her for a shower.
At Cristobal's office, Federico is proudly showing his idea on how to traffic drugs to Spain. Instead of filling the bras with whatever they use to fill them, they'll use the drugs.

The man at the back is American I think, and his spanish is almost as good as mine. He says ... word ... by ... word ... very ... slowly ... which is more or less like my english and spanish. Why am i telling you this? I don't know.
The man warns Federico and Cristobal ... "Once you're in, there's no way out."
Jose is having a drink with the priest and talking about the old times.
Priest: I'm going away for a while Jose.
Jose: What?
Priest: I'm going to a retreat. I need to exorcise a couple of daemons.
Jose: Is everything ok father?
Priest: Of course it is, and don't start with your questions.
Next we see Teresa and Ruth taking care of the baby Teresa found with Jose, Guadalupes son.
He's living with them until they decide what to do with him. Given the way authorities seem to work I think I'd keep him as well.
Jose calls her to let her know the court will rule Lorena's sentence today, for Bambi's murder.
3 new inmates at Capadocia:
Angela, the nurse.

Guadalupe, the innocent maid.

Antonia, the transsexual.

La Colombiana is sad over Bambi's death. I don't understand one minute she likes her the other she doesn't and then she likes her again.

Colombiana: She died and her family didn't even show up.
Yolanda: What was her real name ...
Colombiana: (worried tone) I don't know ... I don't know! I fucked her so many times and don't even know her name! (hey, it happens! this is real life)
Yolanda laughs and says that Lorena is getting out of solitary and should be careful now, some girls were really loyal to Bambi. Magos says Lorena isn't the same anymore, so the girls should be afraid of her and not the other way around.
Lorena joins them at that moment and the whole place goes quiet.
La Negra takes Angela (the nurse) to her cell, she's staying with Sofia (the innocent girlfriend). Antonia and Guadalupe will share the same cell. La Negra asks Antonia to explain the rules to Guadalupe, a security guard approaches La Negra and tells her the rules are explained by them, not other inmates.
Antonia seems happy to be at Capadocia, as happy as you can be, but in her case is different. She is very kind to Guadalupe but the girl really doesn't understand a word.
Antonia: I'm going to help you and teach you how to speak spanish.
Zaide is at Jose's office again, another therapy session where she hits on him. "Can I call you Jose, Doctor?"

Zaide: All men are afraid of whores (...) what about you, are you afraid? Women who give themselves to pleasure and don't care with whom they do it.
Jose is uncomfortable and stops her.
Jose: We've been through this before, it didn't work then and it will not work now.
Zaide: Yeah yeh yah, you're afraid. What's your story with whores, doctor?
Jose as a kid again, he's living with one of the girls from the 1st flashback, his mother is in jail.
Andrea is now living with Santiago, he tells her "this is your house as well, I just don't have time".
Andrea: That's nothing new. My sister and I are already used to the fact that we're growing up alone.
Santiago: It hurts me that you say those things.
Andrea: Well, I can't see that. You have time to go out with the girl on the magazine.
Santiago: Andrea, it's not like the media says.
Andrea: I'm not criticizing you daddy, I'm just asking you to not make me feel like a stranger living here with you.
Santiago: No, of course not, you can stay for as long as you need. I'm just going to ask you to solve your problems with your mother.
Andrea: My mother doesn't understand me and always makes me feel alone.
Santiago: You're not alone Andrea.
Andrea: You should go now, it's getting late.
Teresa goes to Capadocia, Isabel immediately asks if she's coming back.
Teresa says she's there for Guadalupe.
Isabel says it would be great if she returned. The inmates trust her more and if what Teresa really wants is "her head" then she quits.

Teresa: Do you think I'd return "for your head" ?
Isabel: You have to admit you don't like working with someone who has a relationship with your husband, which I find ridiculous.
Teresa: You're right, when you say it like that it sounds pretty vulgar. But don't worry, this is not about you. Thank you for the self sacrifice though.
Cristobal is worried about the drugs business, Federico assures him everything will be ok. If they find the drugs, the blame will go to the lingerie company first, and Santiago second. They will be fine.
Federico: Who would suspect lingerie made inside a prison with governmental support?
I would.
Lorena is talking to herself again, imagining her son is there and she's talking to him.
Lorena: Am i irreplaceable as a mother? As a wife? As a lover? As a friend? It doesn't matter.

La Colombiana goes over to Lorena's cell.

Colombiana: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. At this moment you could be preparing yourself to get out of here, and now you've got another 40 years. Forgive me. (remember the fight that led to Bambi's death started because la colombiana was embracing and kissing Lorena)
Lorena: Don't cry.
Colombiana: No, no. I just don't understand why the people that want me always get fucked in the end.
Lorena: I don't want you Colombiana.

La Negra interrupts them, La Colombiana leaves and Lorena is taken somewhere.
Ah, it's her hearing.
She's not guilty of the first murder. She's free. For that one.
But then comes Bambi's trial, she's guilty, first degree murder, 30 years.
Supreme court judge to Teresa: I'm sorry you threw away your reputation over a murderer.

Teresa: Why did you do it Lorena?
Lorena: There's nothing to say.
Teresa: If it was self-defence we can do something.
Lorena: If you want to do something, get Bambi a proper funeral. I killed her. That's it.
Sofia is having sex with her husband. The one that ran over the psycho. He says he'll get her out of there and is trying everything. By trying he means bribing everyone.
Isabel tells La Colombiana Bambi is getting a proper funeral. She doesn't know Lorena asked for it.

Teresa is at home thinking about Lorena, Bambi, Daniel, Andrea, Santiago, Isabel. Her life is a mess. The phone rings it's Jose. He's checking on the baby. He'll pick her up in 10 minutes. And that's that.
Teresa's in the car with him and we see another flashback, Palacio de Lecumberri 1971 (prison). Jose is visiting his mother in jail. A man goes along, he says with 5000 pesos ($500 more or less) he'll get her out. She says she doesn't have all that money (1971). She asks the man to pay and she'll pay him back when she can. He says he doesn't have it (i think he's lying) and tells Jose to say goodbye to his mother.
Then back to 2008, Jose is telling Teresa she can't give up, many women at Capadocia can go back to having a normal life if given the chance. She says it's frustrating to lose battle after battle and points out Lorena's case.
Jose says it doesn't matter. There are other women and they have families, husbands and kids and a future. He then says if he had met Teresa 30 years ago everything would be different. His mother would have probably gotten out of prison.
"Together we can make a difference".
At Capadocia, Juan (fake hostage's husband) is waiting for Carla (his wife). She doesn't show up, La Negra does and she brings a message.
Following Zaide's advice:
Get me out or i'll kill myself, Carla.

Zaide says she's sure Juan will get her out.
Andrea is at Teresa's house packing her things. Ruth tells her mom is sad that she's going, all she says is "What a shame, I'm really happy to leave".
She believes her new life with Santiago will be heaven.
Daniel is outside, probably waiting for Teresa, what a stalker, but its Andrea who finds him, she thinks he's there for her. She says she's moving out and mentions Teresa has her "new baby, and new lover". Daniel then accepts Andrea's offer and takes her out somewhere.
La Colombiana calls Cristobal, he asks her not to call him again, she just wants a favor.

La Colombiana: At least do something for me ... pay me one.
Cristobal: Alright, alright, what do you need?
Colombiana: I need you to get me out tomorrow, they're burying my woman.
Cristobal: When is that?
Colombiana: Tomorrow morning, and i want to be there with her, do you understand?
Cristobal: Yes, ok, I'll arrange that.
Colombiana: I hope so.
Daniel took Andrea over to his house they're having some wine. Daniel says "let yourself go" and Andrea finally gets what she wanted. Daniel gets his sweet revenge.

Santiago is worried. Andrea was supposed to be home by now. He calls Teresa.
Andrea hears her phone ring but ignores it.
It's morning already and Santiago and Teresa are worried sick over Andrea.
She finally comes home acting all cool.
Santiago: Where have you been?
Andrea: Fucking.
Teresa sighs and leaves. That's the perfect answer to avoid a reaction from your parents.
Over breakfast Santiago asks Andrea if she really ... "Of course not daddy, I just said that to piss mommy off".
Santiago: Now I know why you drive your mom crazy.
They have a father-to-daughter talk, about life. Andrea says she hates her mother because of what she did to him. She kicked him out of the house just like that for no reason, or at least that's what she thinks. Santiago tells her to never say that again about her mother. And that's not what happened.
Andrea: Why did she do that to you?
Santiago: She didn't do anything, it was my fault. Your mother asked me to leave because she saw me with another woman. It was my mistake. And if Teresa hasn't been able to forgive me until now, she has her right.
Andrea now realizes how unfair she's been to her mother all this time.
Santiago: Now you know. I hope the hate you feel towards your mother will go away.
We then see a flashback of the day Teresa threw Santiago out, she didn't say Andrea why, just said he had to leave and that was it.
Andrea calls Teresa, she apologizes and says she needs to talk. They'll meet later.
They finally get the gambler's husband, the one who shot her but Guadalupe got blamed for instead. He says he's been away from Mexico all this time and got the news only 2 days ago.
La Colombiana goes to Bambi's funeral.
Once again the music really matches the scene.

Lorena has a visit. It's Patrick, her husband.
Patrick: I'm here for you to sign the divorce papers. I don't have to, by law, I can get divorced with our without your permission, but I want to do things right.
Lorena: Do things right? You should have thought of that before.
Patrick: I'm leaving this city. I want the kids to go to another school where no one knows them. And nothing reminds them of where you are and what you've done.
Lawyer: If you want we can take this to the court.
Lorena: No, it's not necessary.

She signs the papers.

Lorena: I'll never see my children again ...
Patrick: Never.
Lorena: Never ... What a word. (...) One advice, if you ever cheat on your wife, don't do it at your place and never with her best friend.
She leaves.
Federico and Cristobal are talking to Isabel. They need her help convicing Santiago to allow extra-hours at Capadocia, so they have enough lingerie to export to Spain and lead the spanish market (they really just care about the drugs but hey). Isabel says Teresa will be back and they must talk to her, not Isabel. But Cristobal says they're doing her a favour (Isabel) because she's the one leading now, and she'd be seen as the director of a prison where the inmates live like queens and make a lot of money from honest work. Isabel isn't stupid and senses something isn't right but she'll just let it go ... for now.

Lorena and La Negra go to what used to be Bambi's headquarters.
La Negra: The show must go on Lorena, and there's a lot of drugs here and we have to pay the boss. Sell them yourself.
Lorena doesn't blink.
She'll be Capadocia's leader soon. And seems happy about it.

Teresa goes to Santiago's house.
1) She's returning to Capadocia.
2) They'll never be a couple again.
3) She's got the divorce papers Santiago just has to sign them.
Sofia tells Antonia she might be pregnant.
Carla is released. Zaide was right afterall and Juan did withdraw the charges.
Jose gets a phone call. Someone to warn him the priest is not well.
1971, prison, his mother tells him to go find a man that will take care of him. "Tell him you're my son, he'll understand." That's when Jose first meets this priest.
Still at the flashback we see Amanda's (Jose's mother) funeral, he's still a young boy.
Jose goes find Father Agostin and *shocker* he tells Jose he's his real father.
2008 Jose goes to the church to find his father in bed, about to die.
"He didn't want you to see him like this, he loved you a lot" says another priest.
At the same time Teresa is getting ready to receive Andrea, she's very happy and sure things will get better between them. She gets a phone call from Jose, he tells her his father just died. Teresa once again will have to juggle this very carefully.
Jose is alone on the street sitting on a bench, imagining his father and mother when they were young.

You can call him both son of a bitch or son of a preacher man and you'll be correct.
And to compensate for a sad scene, here's one of the sexiest so far.
La Colombiana goes over to Lorena's cell when they all should be asleep.
She whispers something like "Cry Lorena, cry ... how I wish I had someone who cried for me ... you're very special you know". And then procedes to show her just how special she is to her.

And to bring you back to earth they cut to Andrea telling Teresa how hard it is to be Santiago and Teresa's daugther. Teresa says she didn't tell her because she didn't want her to be disappointed with her father, Andrea says she was disappointed anyway and now doesn't want to have children or get married (good for you!).
Then she tells Teresa she's not a virgin anymore, but she enjoyed it and is really happy. Teresa then asks the obvious question ... who is he?
"Pues, Daniel, your student mommy."

And that's the end of episode 10.
1 comment:
Thankyou so so so much! great work..i look forward to the final recaps.
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