This episode starts with a group of people all gathered inside a church, chanting and praying. At the altar we have two women, la santita (the saint) all dressed in white and another woman who seems to be leading the ceremony. An old woman in a wheelchair approaches the saint, "save me, save me, save me", the girl touches her and she can suddenly walk, and the other woman shouts "It's a miracle, It's a miracle!" and everyone has that scary insane look of amazement.
From the gallery a man watches everything but leaves at a certain point. Him and his 4 bodyguards.
At Teresa's house, Andrea is suddenly on her side and against Santiago. They're eating fruit and drinking milk. I like milkshakes, but fruit and milk on the side don't make much sense to me. Oh well.
Teresa mentions she's been looking at some universities in the United States and maybe Andrea might like to take a look ...? No, of course not, not now that "I've found the perfect love".
Teresa: Daniel is far from being the perfect love.
Andrea: Why do you go all strange when I talk about Daniel? Ok, he's older than me, and your student. But you always claim to be such a modern liberal mother and look at you now.
Back to the church. La Santita and the other woman live together. The man who was watching earlier meets with the woman, I don't know her name.
Man: So, can she help me?
Woman: La Santita has done much bigger things, It's only a matter of faith.
Man: Here's my faith. If she saves my daughter I'll give you 4 times more.
The woman then explains how the miracles began. When the girl was born and was only a few days old, the hospital where she was at collapsed. She survived. The woman claims God saved her so she could save people now.
That explains the 1st scene of the episode, dark ruins and unclear sounds.
The woman then thanks him for his visit and tells him to pray.
Man: Let la Santita pray, that's why I pay her.
That's faith.
She keeps the money to herself.
At school Teresa tells Daniel to stop seeing Andrea. Daniel says she can't make decisions for her daughter, Teresa insists if he ever sees her again, he's going to know the real Teresa.
Daniel: Is there more to know about you? Apart from the fact that you have double standards, are manipulative and lousy in bed?
When they don't want us anymore they're suddenly lousy in bed. Real life again.
Guilty-conscience-husband, the one who ran over the lunatic but his wife got blamed for instead, is having troubles at work. He looks depressed, doesn't take care of himself or his image and when you sell cars, that's not a good thing. His boss likes him so will give him another chance. He gets a phone call from the man who's trying to get his wife out, he says everything is going fine but they just need another 80 000 pesos ($7 340).
Guilty-conscience: 80 000 pesos?
Man: And that's cheap.
Guilty-conscience: And how am i going to get all that money?
Man: How, I don't know. But this is the last payment, in a month your wife will be out.
Jose is talking to his wife, Sofia. She's been having dreams where her husband dies (guilty-conscience guy).
Jose says when we dream about someones death, it means we have feelings of hate / anger towards that person. Sofia says she doesn't hate her husband. Jose says he's not talking about hate in this case, but anger.
Sofia: Why would I be mad at him?
Jose: Because you're paying for a crime you didn't commit. And it's being harder than you thought.
Sofia: I've told you before, I ran over her.
I think his name is Joel.
Jose: Just because you repeat a lie a million times, it doesn't become truth. To understand your pain you have to know the causes behind it (...)
Sofia: No, I love my husband. I'm not going to betray him and he'll get me out of here and everything will be fine.
Jose: Have you spoken to him lately?
At the workstation Lorena starts a small figh with Yolanda just so she drops the bras fillings and she can steal some. She suspects they're filled with drugs.
Sofia calls Joel and tells him she's pregnant. He promises to get her out as soon as he can.
This is getting harder now, there are too many nameless characters.
So remember the gambler's husband, who shot her and blamed Guadalupe and ran away from Mexico and came back a week after. He's also gay. Ok.
Teresa finds out he's having an affair with his lawyer who's in charge with this case.
Jose: A compulsive gambler married to a gay man. That's what you can call a happy marriage.
I guess Jose is the least qualified to judge weird couples.
At that moment Teresa gets a call. Zaide will be released. I wonder how much money she paid. So does Teresa.
Lorena goes back to her cell to sniff/smell/taste the product.
At the workstation a girl is walking around showing off the new bras. La Colombiana wants to see the quality up close.
Antonia feels at home.
Lorena walks in again and tells the girls to stop playing with the bras.
La Santita visits the man's daugther. She prays but the girl dies.
Man: Save her, save her and I'll give you everything I have.
If it was only that easy.
More flashbacks of the ruins and the baby being saved.
Andrea and Daniel have sex again.
The weird woman tells the man his daugther was at peace and didn't suffer. "God knows what He's doing".
Man: You told me La Santa would save her. That's why i paid her.
Woman: Don't worry about your money, I'll give it back.
But she doesn't. She grabs all the money and everything she's saved until now and runs away. Leaving la Santita alone.
The man is pissed.
A man asks Joel for another 15 000 pesos ($1 376). It's the 5th time they ask him for money to get his wife out. I wish i could post a video to show you just how fake the man sounds. The typical cheater.
Lorena asks La Negra about the drugs. La Negra pretends she knows nothing about it. Lorena threatens to tell everyone. La Negra admits she's right.
Lorena: Who's doing it? Federico?
La Negra: I just receive orders.
Lorena: ... and a lot of money ... Teresa knows?
La Negra: I don't know.
La Negra: Don't tell.
Andrea is telling Daniel how great he was. "I'm sure you've found my g-spot, was it ever like this with other girls?". Daniel is absorbed with his macbook pro and doesn't even answer.
"I bore you, right?".
Daniel: No, you don't bore me. I just have this work that i really have to finish.
Andrea: Well don't worry about that. I'll ask my mother to approve it.
Being Teresa's daughther boyfriend must be good for something.
And then she squeezes some lime over fries ... Fruit, milk, lime, fries ... something isn't right.
Joel is the last one to leave his workplace and responsible for locking up. Don't do that to a guy who desperately needs money.
He steals the 15 000 pesos he was asked.
Angela, the nurse, is talking to Sofia about her baby. We find out Angela has/had a daugther, she talks in the past tense so I'm not sure what happened.
Teresa talks to Jose about Daniel and Andrea. She knows Daniel is going out with Andrea just out of revenge. Jose thinks she shouldn't say anything to Andrea, she'd become her worst enemy.
Andrea arrives home and Jose leaves. Andrea asks Teresa to take her to a gynaecologist "I don't want to get pregnant".
Teresa just nods a very anguished nod. hm hm.
La Santita was arrested. Everyone in jail prays with her.
Another flashback like the others.
Teresa goes to Daniel's house to talk about Andrea. Daniel says there's only one thing she can do to separate them ... get back together with him.
Daniel: I love you Teresa.
Teresa: Don't touch me.
The bell rings. It's Andrea.
Daniel says he was just about to leave, so Andrea waits outside.
From the window Andrea tells him she wants to make love. Daniel, knowing Teresa is listening, says "I really want to make love to you too".
Daniel to Teresa: How strange! the main door is never closed. You're lucky this time.
Then outside he calls Teresa who is still at his place.
Daniel: You owe me. Bye Bye.
Teresa: (to herself) Fucking idiot.
Joel has the police waiting for him the next morning when he arrives to work.
They have everything on tape.
The boss says he had 500 000 pesos in the vault, Joel says he only took 15 000.
Jose and Teresa have a meeting with ... the compulsive gambler's husband and his lawyer (lover).
Teresa knows how to hit where it hurts so she starts like this:
Teresa: First of all I'd like to express my sympathy. We now know your wife was pregnant.
The look on the lawyers (gay lover) face.
Husband: That cannot be.
Teresa: No?
Lawyer: This case is closed, Guadalupe killed my client's wife.
Another Man: We still don't know why ...
Lawyer: That's your job, not mine.
Another Man: We know for sure your client killed his wife because she lost the house on a bet.
Husband: That's not true.
Jose to Lawyer: You know why. Yes. Your relationship was at risk with this woman alive.
Lawyer: Be very careful with your words. Do you have proofs?
And in come the pictures.
The husband still doesn't admit. Jose tells Guadalupe's story.
Husband: That's not true.
Cut to Joel making his confession.
It's funny how the police station looks so poor and in need of proper equipments yet they all have macbooks. Not all, my mistake. Only the one typing down his confession. The others have prehistorical stones.
Joel insists he only took 15000 pesos even though there was more money there, because that's what he needed to get his wife out of jail (It's not really smart to tell a detective you stole some money to bribe someone out of jail).
The man sitting at the back (the other desk) is the one that paid la Santita to save his daugther. She's now in jail because of him. The detective says she's in no conditions to talk about it, the man says if she's not convicted he'll make a scandal. He says la Santita killed his daugther.
The husband finally admits he killed his wife but had no intention to.
La Negra calls Sofia. She's happy to bring some bad news. "Your husband was caught stealing".
La Santita is taken to Capadocia.
La Negra: Clara Almazán - Fraud.
Her name is Clara. And I think she has no idea what's going on.
Joel's boss is having fun. I don't understand the point of this scene but it's somewhat enjoyable.
NEW: "You wrote that you didn't understand the scene where the boss of the auto dealership is seen lushing it up and whoring around... It would appear he's throwing money around like a guy who just stole half a million pesos" by Nightguy
It does make sense.
Joel took 15 000 pesos so he blames him for the missing 500 000. And spends it wisely.

At Capadocia Sofia doesn't want her baby anymore now that Joel was arrested and she's not leaving soon. So she performs a self-abortion that i had to fast forward. This show is too explicit for the good and the bad.

La Santita is taken to Jose's office, Teresa is there.
Jose makes his diagnosis "She's autistic".
La Negra finds Sofia unconscious and takes her to the medical ward.

Jose is telling Teresa how there are 4 times less autistic women than men, then suddently La Santita says "They need me at the infirmary" as soon as she finishes La Negra walks into Jose's office and tells him what just happened.
La Santita insists she must go with them.

La Negra says she's dead, La Santita says she's not, and places her hand on Sofia's head.
And she's back.

Cristobal asks Federico to bring him Lorena, just like they used to bring La Colombiana.
La Santita is then taken to where all the other inmates are. La Colombiana and Lorena immediately start laughing but Magos tells them she's one of the survivors from 1985's earthquake.

Isn't that Maradona's hand?
Lorena keeps laughing but La Colombiana asks her not to.
"Don't mess with the saints ... really, it's dangerous".
Teresa is getting ready to give the baby back to Guadalupe, Jose is there with her.
Teresa: What was that at the infirmary today, catalepsy?
Jose: (or a) Miracle ...?
Teresa: I'm serious.
Jose: Me too.
Teresa: So, you believe La Santita makes miracles?
Jose: Today i saw something that i can't explain. You label it.
At Capadocia La Negra calls Lorena, it's time to go.
La Colombiana asks her where she's going.

Lorena: I don't know.
La Colombiana: To meet with Cristobal?
Lorena: Yes.
La Colombiana: Be careful. He's a son of a bitch.
Lorena goes. La Colombiana is worried.
La Negra watches as Lorena changes her clothes and enjoys every minute of it.
At Cristobal's.
She reminds me of Penelope Cruz, only better.

Cristobal: You're beautiful, and have class. I like that.
Lorena: And you are Cristobal.
Cristobal: (chuckle) Beautiful, classy and a slut. Very well.
La Colombiana is still worried. Or just missing Lorena.

Cristobal: How did you find out the bra's filling had drugs?
Lorena: Because I'm a chemist and have an evil-mind. But that's a very clever way to export bras.
Cristobal: Why don't you take care of the drugs inside Capadocia? We give it to you, you keep 20% ...
Lorena laughs it off.
Cristobal: What?
Lorena: 50-50.
Cristobal: I like you, I love women like you. Alright, 70-30.
Lorena: 50-50.
Cristobal: Ok, ok. But now let's have some fun.
Lorena: You were the one who was taking La Colombiana out everynigh, right? Why is she back at Capadocia?
Cristobal: Because she's a beautiful woman, and bad things can happen to her on the streets. She could be killed ... or raped. Just like you.
Lorena: (...) My grandmother used to say I was born to be a queen, and a queen, even in hell, will decide what to do with her royal cunt. I know what your thinking, you're stronger, you can hit me ... and rape me. (Cristobal agrees to everything with a "hmhm" sound). But keep in mind that I've killed two ... lately ... and for much less than this. Cheers?
Cristobal: Cheers, partner.
Lorena is taken back to Capadocia and apparently she was missing La Colombiana too.

La Santita is still praying and we see another flashback.
Ruth is sad the baby is going.
Guadalupe is free and Teresa gives her back her son.
Andrea calls Daniel, he picks up but immediately someone knocks on the door and he puts the phone down but doesn't hang up.
It's Jose and he's there to talk about Teresa and Andrea. Remember Andrea is still on the phone.
Jose: Daniel, I don't believe in rewards or punishments. Just the consequences. You're walking on shaky grounds.
Daniel: Teresa asked you to come?
Jose: No, she doesn't know I'm here. If you're sleeping with both mother and daugther you have the pay the consequences. You were lucky to have Teresa once, don't do this to her.
Daniel: But she left me for you.
Jose: She likes you. She's a smart woman and left when she had to. You either leave Andrea or ...
Daniel: Or what?
Jose: Or you have to pay the consequences.

(i guess today was Isabel's day off)
And that's the end of episode 11.
Couple of small details:
"Santita" is the diminutive form, so the literal translation would be "little saint."
You wrote that you didn't understand the scene where the boss of the auto dealership is seen lushing it up and whoring around... It would appear he's throwing money around like a guy who just stole half a million pesos.
Now that you mention it, it makes sense. Do you mind if i add it? quoting you of course. Thank you.
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