The girl says she misses him, and she can't count on him for anything.
The guy suggests they should get married.
Fix a problem with another problem. Smart move.
Meet Gerardo and Antonia.

He is married with children but about to get a divorce.
Antonia is glad to know.
He gives her a ring and then he has to leave. How romantic. They plan to meet later.
Andrea-the-problem-child is having a discussion with Teresa about a dinner they have planned with Santiago (Teresa's ex-husband, Andrea and Ruth's father). Andrea doesn't want to go, Teresa says she has to. Andrea says they're unbearable together.
Teresa goes to her car and when she closes the door Daniel shows up on the back seat. That scared me and scared Teresa too. He planned a weekend getaway but Teresa "has work to do".
Daniel asks Teresa to be honest, "if you don't want me anymore just say it". We all know she secretly wants Isabel, don't we.
At Capadocia La Colombiana doesn't try hard to hide a cellphone and the girls notice.
"who gave it to you? The man that pulls you out of here everynight?"
She finally admits it's Cristobal and truly believes he will take her out of Capadocia.
Lorena is presented to a judge and has her hearing. Her lawyer is very confident. Patrick is there. He assures Lorena she's getting out.
Antonia goes shopping and is caught shoplifting.
A security who had been making eye contact with her stops her as she walks out.
Security: Can we talk?
Antonia: Estoy comprometida [this one is hard to explain, literally she says "I'm commited" but in spanish it has a double meaning, it means "I'm engaged" (which is what she meant) or "I'm sort of guilty"]
Security: Yes you are (he meant the second)
Back at Lorena's hearing *shock* she gets 40 years.
Major setback no one was expecting. We then realise how influent the dead girls father was, since he is a supreme court judge.

Things are not looking good for Lorena.

Back at the shop Antonia performs some sort of sexual favour (eww, that's all i can think of) so the security doesn't call the police.
Antonia: "Can I go now? If you want I'll give back what i stole" (really? if you want? ok)
Security: "What? Do you think I would lose my time over some panties?"
Back at Capadocia ... Guess who's back? Bambi!
Isabel tells Federico La Colombiana will not go out anymore. Federico says he's just following orders. As usual. Isabel tells him to warn Cristobal that last night was the last time.
Federico warns Isabel that no one says NO to Cristobal Saenz.

Isabel: Federico, tell Cristobal I'm no longer willing to fulfill his whims.
Bambi's face lightens up when she sees La Colombiana.

But you can't say the same about her.

She knows her peaceful days are over.

Magos comforts Lorena. Yolanda (stabbed hand) keeps talking shit about it all and that pisses Lorena off. Luckily for her there are no scissors around. Just Lorena's fists.

Teresa goes to Bambi's cell to let her know she didn't want her at Capadocia but she will do everything to help her.
Teresa warns her that lack of discipline will not be tolerated.
All Bambi has to say is "nice to see you, you look great". Cheeky bastard.

At the restaurant where Gerardo and Antonia were supposed to meet, Gerardo sits alone and calls Antonia persistently. She's late and her phone is off.
Teresa talks to Lorena about her trial. She says it's possible to figh. Lorena doesn't want to. She mentions how she found her husband fucking her best friend in her bed. And then *shock*shock*shock* we see a Teresa flashback with Santiago fucking .... Isabel.
Teresa also found Santiago in bed with another woman, that's why she wants to help Lorena.
Santiago and Isabel's gay looking ass. I'm still in *shock*.
Teresa insists there's nothing that sustains the murder Lorena is being accused of. Lorena says she's tired of fighting and there's nothing more to do. Teresa doesn't understand. Neither does Lorena. Neither do I. Santiago and Isabel?? God.
Antonia did get arrested afterall and Gerardo is on the phone with someone. No one knows who Antonia is.
Cristobal jumps on Federico for what happened at mother's day. And insists to have La Colombiana again. Federico gives him Isabel's message, that can no longer be. Cristobal tell him to send Isabel his regards to the General (Isabel's father, apparently Cristobal knows something about him and that's why Isabel submits to Cristobal).
Sofia keeps telling everyone they have beautiful hair. Fetish?
At lunch time Magos tells Lorena that if she could she would give her life in exchange for her freedom, but the fact that she's there everyday with her, makes her the happiest woman. If you need cheering up, call Magos.
Everyone cheers Bambi's return.
Except these two.

And La Colombiana.

Now the three of them together.

Isabel: I'll do whatever it takes to keep Bambi aside. I hope you're not against it.
Andrea-the-problem-child also does whatever it takes to meet Daniel. She keeps going to his university and makes up excuses so they can meet. So the daughter is in love with the mother's lover. How cute.
Jose and Teresa talk about Lorena and how unfair her trial was. It's obvious the girls father used all his influence. Teresa calls him an ultraconservative, double-standard, intolerant ... and Jose completes "and revengeful, don't doub it" "so you're planning to intervene right?".
Right Jose, you're a great psychologist.

Teresa: Can you imagine how she felt when she got home and found her husband in bed with her best friend?
Jose: No, I can't imagine. Can you?
Again, Jose hits the spot.
Teresa: I'm not projecting on Lorena Doctor, if that's what you're implying.
Bambi goes to la Colombiana's cell, the girls get close and Bambi asks "you don't want me anymore, isn't that right?".
La Colombiana says "No, I don't want you anymore."

Bambi: If you say that again i'll cut you into pieces and eat you so you'll always be inside of me.

The guard walks out and Bambi turns on Colombiana again "who are you sleeping with bitch?"

The guard stops them once again.

Luckily this was all a dream and the scene restarts at the point where Bambi asks la Colombiana if she still wants her to which she replies "Yes, I still want you".
All is well when it ends well.

Gerardo is still worried waiting for Antonia.
He goes to a police station with a photo and her name. Someone told him they had a person there with the same last name. The girl asks if that's his servant. "My servant? No, that's my fiancee." "Your fiancee? Hmm." Then she says she doesn't know her but advises him to talk to her colleague show him the photo and ... something else $$$ and he might be able to help him.
Magos tells Lorena some stories of her life while caressing her feet, all Lorena hears are echos, she's not really there.

Magos may be old but she's not dumb. She tries to kiss Lorena.

But eventually holds back.

Isabel walks into her scary high-tech room to find Federico sitting waiting for her.
Isabel: What are you doing here?
Federico: Waiting for the lights to go off so we can take la Colombiana.
Isabel: What part of "that's not going to happen" didn't you understand?
Federico: You know what, why don't you say that yourself to Cristobal?

Cristobal basically hangs up on her and all Federico says is "See, it's not worth it. It's better to be a little flexible than have your dad pay the consequences."
Isabel: Get out of my office.
Andrea is late for the family dinner and when she arrives she brings Daniel along.

Earrings: $50
Fancy dinner: $100
Having your 17 year old daughter bring your 20 years younger lover to you family dinner: Priceless

Ruth: Mum is mad.
Andrea: She's always mad.
Ruth: No, you make her mad.
And again the youngest are the most reasonable.
Teresa goes to the toilets so does Daniel. She threatens him and forces him to go back to the table, fake a phone call and leave. Otherwise he will know the real Teresa. She says this while grabing his balls. He really has no choice.
She's furious.

The guards wake La Colombiana up while everyone's asleep. But Bambi is awake and watches everything.
Bambi: Where are you going? Where are they taking you dressed like that?
She gets the taser. You know how things work.
Isabel: Let's get things clear, Aurelia, that's your real name right? Here you are nothing, here you don't move a finger without me noticing, here you don't talk without my permission, is that clear? Is That Clear?
Sir, Yes Sir.

Bambi is taken to the solitary.
La Colombiana is now at Federico's house with Cristobal and she's actually playing GTA if i'm not wrong. Cristobal arrives and she complains about Bambis return "she's crazy and is going to kill me if you don't get me out". Cristobal assures her he's been talking to people to get her out. Apparently in Mexico you either have to know or pay the right people to get everything done. I guess it's not just in Mexico. No, I'm sure it's not.
They do what they are there to do and Cristobal falls asleep. To cut the long story short, la Colombiana steals his money, disguises in some man's clothes and runs away. Oh and knocks Cristobal's bodyguard unconscious with what seems to be an expensive oeuvre d'art.
Yes he's asleep, you can go now.

All this takes place while Federico jerks off in his car to the sound of Leo Delibés Flower Duet.
The man really likes opera. And this seems to be the perfect aria for own/mutual masturbation on television. Remember The L Word, Bette & Alice. Same Aria.
But let's move on.
Federico notices a "guy" leave the building but disregards it, not without calling Cristobal first. He wakes up and Federico asks if la Colombiana is with him. Cristobal says she is but doesn't even look and hangs up. A second later he realises she's not. Let the game begin.
Cristobal calls Federico and they rush after her.
Daniel calls Teresa to ask for forgiveness. He's actually outside her door she tells him to leave.
I like Daniel's car. A 2007 Red Seat Leon Cupra. If I didn't love my 2002 Citröen Saxo Cup so much I'd definitely get this one. Or the 2008 Seat Ibiza Bocanegra. I'm mad for little european sports cars. Anyway.
Daniel says he loves her and wants to be with her, live with her. Teresa says he's crazy, Daniel says she's afraid because she's older than him. Teresa puts it crude "the problem is Daniel, you don't understand the difference between love and sex."
Daniel: Ok, explain it to me.
Teresa unzips his pants and explains it ... without words. As he reaches in to kiss her she stops "that's where your love stops, get it, what we have is just sex, don't forget it if you want to see me again".
Federico is still after la Colombiana who got into a taxi and is still out on the loose.
Jose and Teresa talk about Lorena again, Jose tells Teresa she shouldn't be so sure about Lorena's innocence because she doesn't know what Lorena's intentions really were.
Teresa: What did you want her to do? Applaud them?
Jose: And you, what did you do?
Teresa: *pause* Pay attention to Lorena.
Jose knows too much.
Federico goes to Isabel's scary control room, Isabel asks "did you find her?" Federico signs "no", so she slaps him. You're lucky you didn't get the taser bro.
Next day Gerardo goes back to the police station to ask for Antonia again. The man says they don't have any Antonia at the exact moment she's being escorted by a police officer in front of them.
Gerardo: What do you mean you haven't seen her, there she is.
Helpful man: What did you say her name was?
Gerardo: Antonia.
He yells Antonia, Antonia but she doesn't talk to him.
An officer calls out for Francisco Antonio Santiago Benitez, *shock* that's our Antonia. A fully post-op transsexual.
Gerardo can't believe it.

They both look genuinely sad.
Let's see where this goes.
And that's the end of episode 5.
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