At Capadocia, Teresa and Jose watch Marta as she removes the bandages from her wrists, Teresa says she tried to commit suicide because she was separated from Selma, and "that's a good sign, it means she has the will to live for someone" ... I don't understand Teresa's logic, if she tried to kill herself does that mean she wants to live? I don't think so ... but Teresa is the expert not me.
Teresa and Jose already knew eachother from a previous life, I suppose. We don't get to know where they met but they are obviously friends. Jose invites Teresa out to dinner, she suggest they should just go home and rest. Isabel watches everything with a dead-serious look. I don't understand.
Oh I do now, she was exercising. Mini weight lifting. That's my girl.
And then a detail. The tattoo she has on her left shoulder. This should be important. That's a female archer isn't it? I think i see a boob.
Cut to Selma, Marta's cellmate, she's now back on the streets washing windshields, she's holding Marta's picture.
Back to the nurse walking down the street being chased by the lunatic who is also being chased by the ghostly figures. Does that mean the nurse is actually being chased by the ghostly figures? No? Syllogism? Ok.
At Capadocia the girls are having dinner and they notice the food is rodden. Imagine airplane food, now imagine out-of-date airplane food. That's what they're having.
The guards hand out a piece of paper, from next week on, conjugal visits or family visits will be allowed and the inmates must write the persons name on that paper and what type of visit they prefer. They can have one, not both.
Magos asks Lorena if she will ask to see her children, Lorena says No, she doesn't want them to see her like that. Then Magos convinces Lorena to chose the conjugal visit and have Patrick visit her. Lorena doesn't want at first, but eventually accepts.
Lorena then asks Magos "and you?", Magos says "my visits ... I have them here" and points to her head.
Marta picks the conjugal and writes ... Selma's name. I smell trouble.
Teresa is having some troubles raising her daughters specially Andrea (the trouble child) who is now with her boyfriend and a group of friends racing motorcycles at night. The police stops them but she says she's the governors daughter and gets away with it. (hey, we would all do it if we could). Teresa has to go pick her up and Andrea is obviously pissed ... and grounded.
A young couple is driving an old-school VW Beetle, the guy is driving and drinking! apparently celebrating the fact that he was nominated best employee of the year. Cut to the nurse, cut to the lunatic, cut to the car and the tension builds.
As the lunatic is about to shoot she crosses the street and ...
BAM! Blood soup.
The girlfriend walks out of the car, notices the woman is dead and tells her boyfriend "let's go, let's go, she's dead!" and swaps seats with him (he had been drinking). They flee off and the nurse approaches the woman and notices it's her patient. She cries her name "Cecilia, Cecilia!" maybe they're related or something. Later on the couple gets stopped by the police, the girl panics and the only thing she says is "I killed that woman" and so she's arrested. She is taking the blame for him.
At Capadocia the girls are being inspected to detect illegal objects. If they're clear, they have the right to work. La Colombiana can't go. Her nails are too long. She's taken to the kitchen. Now I know what my friends mean when they say "that hurt!", long nails = lethal weapons. I thought it was worth a screeshot.
Teresa gets a phone call from Daniel. Daniel is one of Teresa's students and lately her lover.
Meet Daniel. Daniel wants to meet with Teresa but she's always busy.
Federico, my favourite gay flunky, gets a phone call from La Negra. He must go to the old prison now, Bambi is holding a knife at her neck and wants to talk to him. She really wants to go to Capadocia and is willing to tell Teresa the real reasons behind the riot.
At the kitchen, La Colombiana and another inmate are cleaning tables. The girl mentions how quiet things are without Bambi "we need some action" she says, La Colombiana says things are great the way they are. "well of course they are, to you, they take you for a walk everynight, where do they take you?". They are noticing La Colombiana is having more fun than them. She says she doesn't go anywhere. Liar. The girl finishes off with "I'm just saying so you bring me a chocolate next time". I like her.
At the police station the nurse is explaining what happend. And voilá, she was her sister. That's why they were so close. Even though she wanted to kill her. The nurse accuses the girl (who wasn't driving) because that's what she saw when she got there. The girl will not say she didn't do it. She loves her boyfriend that much. Eww.
At Capadocia a girl sitting in front of Marta keeps complaining about the work and the conditions they have. Everyone is sweating and they have no water or ventilation. She also picks on Marta for choosing Selma as her conjugal visit. "Do you think they'll let her in?" "You are crazy." She mentions the suicide attempt and the fact that Selma is outside probably fucking guy after guy (how cruel) because outside "dykes become normal again" her words, not mine.
"Here we fuck women just out of desire, urgency. Selma told me that outside she has her man."
And that's the last drop for Marta. Worried about nails, were they? She just grabs a scissor and stabs the girl on the hand. Well done Marta.But then Marta gets beaten up and the guards have to intervene. I'm glad for that because Isabel is now on my screen.
She just has to shout and everyone stops. That's how powerful she is.
Once the mini riot is over, Teresa and Jose arrive. Isabel turns to Teresa and says:
Isabel: You didn't want guns, right?
Isabel doesn't agree with Teresa's idea of having a guns-free prison, the guards walk around unarmed. The girls have just proven that fights and riots can happen, and guns are necessary. And she looks much better with guns so ...
Isabel, Teresa and Federico meet.
Teresa: This is supposed to be a different prison Isabel, and there are two injured inmates.
Isabel: I did everything i could to stop them Teresa.
Teresa: I think there are control methods that don't generate violence.
Isabel: This is a prison!
Federico: Excuse me, Teresa, you are the director of the prison, but let me remind you that the people who've put you here, don't want to take any risks.
Teresa: We will discipline the inmates, that's why we're here.
Isabel: With psychological therapy? *chuckle* Please, Teresa. Guns are essential in a place like this.
Teresa: I will never sign that petition. Talk to Santiago, he's the governor let him decide.
Isabel: He has already decided. I just met with him and asked him to sign this request.
In your face Teresa. Isabel got her guns and she's happy.
*Ouch* That's hard to swallow. Maybe's just the little neckerchief ... No? Pissed off? Ok.
Teresa goes to Santiago and confronts him.
"How can you put me in charge of Capadocia and then boycott my work like this? I don't like Isabel but it seems you're delighted by her methods." ...
I wouldn't call it methods Teresa, I think it's the boots ... or the tight pants.
"Why is Isabel in Capadocia and not one of the people i approved?"
Santiago: The guns have a psychological effect. They're not meant to be used against the inmates.
Teresa: *pfff*
Santiago: Teresa, Capadocia is still our project. We need someone to do the dirty work.
Teresa: I will not carry on like this.
Santiago: I will not accept your resignation
Teresa: I either have all the power, or I don't.
Santiago: You are still the head of Capadocia, but with Isabel's backing. And that's how it's going to be from now on. Teresa, I beg you to not leave Capadocia.
Teresa walks out.
Marta calls Selma and tells her she wrote her name for the conjugal.
The girls boyfriend, who ran over the lunatic, is now bribing someone to release her girlfriend. A few more days and he'll get more money he says. Apparently that's how things work. The man doesn't accept the money, but as the boy walks out he calls someone "Maciel, I have another client for you". Someone's going to lose a lot of money. The girlfriend is taken to Capadocia.
Inside, Lorena is getting ready for the conjugal. Magos stole a bikini for her but she's not very keen on the idea. She feels ridiculous.
Magos: You're not doing this for him. You're doing it for you.
And she helps her get ready.
Outside husbands and boyfriends line up for the conjugal ... and so does Selma. But as soon as she reaches security.
Security: You've got the wrong day miss, today is the conjugal.
Selma: No, I'm not wrong.
Security: Do you think we're going to let a woman in for a conjugal visit? Do you want a husband or what?
Selma: What's so wrong about it?
Security: (reading) Article 91º Intimate visit- Its main goal is to keep the inmates relationship with their partners in a sane and moral way. Which means here we don't accept obscenities.
I'm obscene.
Selma leaves.
In goes Patrick.
Patrick thought he was there to talk but Lorena starts taking off her clothes. She doesn't want to talk. Lorena goes a little violent, will not allow her kids to go visit her an demands Patrick to get her out of there. Patrick talks about "us" what's happened to "us" but Lorena isn't happy. Us? Me! I'm the one here, you're out, free. She's right. And the conjugal is over.
Teresa and Daniel aren't the happiest couple.
Lorena cries on Magos lap who takes the opportunity to touch Lorena all over. Their cellmate (the one who got stabbed on the hand) says on a singing tone "someoneee waaants to fuuuck youuu" and Magos elbows the air.
Marta is talking to Jose about Selma and doesn't understand why she's not allowed to see her. Outside Selma does have her man afterall. She tells him she wants to deal again, he says she can't or she can be arrested again (maybe that's what she wants).
Isabel says Selma is not allowed because she was convicted for drug dealing, and although security is tight, there are many ways to take drugs with you.
Jose: If not she (marta) will try to commit suicide again.
Isabel: Jose, your job is to prevent those things from happening. My job is to keep this safe. And now if you'll excuse me, I have many things to do.
She basically doesn't give a shit about Marta and Selma, which is not very gay-friendly for such a gay person. I'll have to find someone else to love.
One of the things Isabel had to do was to pick-up the new kickass tasers.Teresa: Isabel must be happy with her new toys. (hehe)
Jose: Let's hope she uses them wisely.
Teresa: *pfff*
Teresa pfff's a lot. She's not a believer.
And she's right.
The inmates all gather in perfect order and listen to Isabel's speech about how they were given a chance to behave and have a guns-free prison but they abused so from now on things will change.
The girl who got stabbed (Yolanda is her name) laughs as Isabel speaks and that's enough to pull Isabel's strings. She is ordered to step forward and gets the taser. That's how Isabel rolls.
Daniel calls Teresa but her phone rings at his house. She left it there. He goes to Teresa's house to give it back. Teresa isn't there but Andrea-the-problem-child is. She is instantly attracted to him and invites him to wait for Teresa inside.
Andrea was listening to a song by Vanexxa called "Quiero Papa", it suits her well, Vanexxa's songs are usually heard on Andrea's scenes and they really belong there.
The inmates are all walking down some stairs and Margo is talking to a soon-to-be mother and caresses her belly. Yolanda (stabbed) makes fun of it and say's it's actually ironic that she does it when she was the one who killed all her children. That's why Margo is in prison.
Yolanda: This sweet mother fed all her children rat poison.
The girl goes into labour.
Jose and Teresa talk to the innocent girlfriend and try to convince her to talk and tell the truth. (She didn't do it, her boozy husband did). Oh they're married afterall.
"I did it and it was an accident".
A new life is born in Capadocia and the scenes are real .... Ouch, ouchy, ewww, gross.
The mother's reaction is strange. She looks the other way and doesn't want to see her baby. At Capadocia unlike the old prison, you're not allowed to have your babies with you.
And that's the end of episode 3.
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