Cut to a nurse leaving a building. She crosses a woman on her way out. As the woman enters her apartment she screams. The nurse walks away, calmly and confidently. "hmm what? screaming, shouting? from where i just left? hmm, no not me" (that's just me thinking, she didn't say that). Here she is, meet the nurse (until we know her name). Maybe it was her flashback.

Then cut to a room where detectives are trying to figure out some murders that have been happening lately throughout the city. They say the killer is "almost invisible". So far they have 10 female victims and Santiago is there, and worried. The police think he's worried just because of his run for presidency. Santiago then makes this very-close-to-electoral speech.
Teresa is taking Ruth (younger daughter) to school. I believe I've already said I like Ruth but again, she amazes me.
Ruth: If you can give up your work, why can't i give up school?
My thoughts exactly. I never liked school, never as a child, never as the 22 year old young adult that I am. Luckily in two years it will all be over and I shall be a master architect. Until then I'll just skip classes to play guitar hero.
Teresa: Ruth, I didn't give up anything. Even if I'm not going to Capadocia I still have a lot of work to do.
That sounds like something my mom would say.
Jose calls her. I don't understand Jose's character. He's supposed to be a smart intellectual man that gets all the ladies. Yet he's an ugly, obnoxious, jealous guy with issues. To me of course. Anyway, he wants to talk to Teresa about Antonia's transfer to Capadocia. As Jose gets out of his car to go to Capadocia, Juan (fake hostage's husband) approaches him. He needs to talk, says he is confused and not sure if he should keep the charges and needs advice. He wants to know if Carla, his wife, loves him or not, and if she did what she did in order not to lose him. Men are stupid.
Isabel watches from a distance. No influence on the story but I've finally come to terms with my lust for Isabel, and this is my blog so ...

Oh, and we think alike! Next scene Isabel runs to catch up with Jose, and she says something along the lines of "can you believe he spent the whole night with her and wants to forgive her, after all she did? Men are unbelievable".
Jose: It's been scientifically proved that hormones kills neurones. Or are you telling me you know nothing about this?
Isabel: I'm not discussing my personal life with you. Have you spoken to Teresa? Do you know when she's coming back?
Jose: No (he's staring at Isabel with this Oh-I'm-so-charming look)
Isabel: You'd do us all a great favour if you talked to her and convinced her to return.

Isabel: Don't look at me like that (take that Jose!).

At Capadocia the girls are eating and Yolanda (the nasty one that got stabbed in the hand) spits her food ... Its got worms. Bambi looks at La Negra, gets up and forces Yolanda to eat it.

And now you ask, -What do you mean by "forces her"? - I mean, "here's the face, here's the plate, here's the face on the plate".

Walking away with the satisfaction of a job well done.

Next we see the same nurse taking care of an old lady. The woman complains about her family and how they never visit her, except to ask for money. The nurse doesn't talk.

Then we see the same child from the flashbacks, it is the nurse as a child. The images today are a little dark and i don't know how to change that. Sorry. The old woman says things like "what am i doing here, there's no point in being alive, I'd be better off dead." Things the nurse listened to as a child, from her ill grandmother.

At Jose's offices Lorena says Teresa is very naive and she doesn't want to go through the same thing 3 times. She doesn't want to be given hope and then have to return to her cell.

Jose: So it's better to give up? Imagine for a minute the judge will concede you your freedom, you leave Capadocia, go home, open the door, what do you see?
Lorena: My children.
Jose: And then?
Lorena: Patrick.
Jose: What would you say to him?
Lorena: Nothing. I'd kill him.
Jose: Would you really? Or are you here exactly because you fear you might do it? (...)
Cut to the innocent maid whose baby was left behind.
She's behind bars, talking to herself and crying. This time i really cannot guess the language.

Antonia is still having a bad time at the male prison. We see some flashbacks of her as a child, a young effeminate boy being called a faggot by a group of kids.

Teresa is talking to a man about Antonia, he doesn't seem bothered over what's happening "these things happen in jail" he talks with a smile on his face.
As they speak, the innocent maid is being escorted and still saying things no one understands. But no one bothered to get a translator either.
Teresa stops them and the man she is with says "It's a crazy woman who shot her boss". And there you have it, Mexico's police at their best.
Teresa: Does she have a lawyer? How's the defence going?
Man:There's nothing to defend. She was found holding the gun. And since then has been saying the same thing allover again. No one understands.
Teresa: It's the DPP's obligation to send a translator.
Man: Yes, but they never do.
We must not judge a country by a TV show, but is this how things work in Mexico?
Teresa calls a man who will be able to help her. She puts the innocent maid on the phone with him and gets the translation, "my baby is alone".
She calls Jose.
At Capadocia Bambi watches La Colombiana being friendly towards Lorena. It's been going on for a while now. La Colombiana tells Lorena the story of her life, how she was an ugly girl, had no friends, talks about the parade we saw as a flashback on previous episodes, and how she asked the saints to make her pretty. She is beautiful now, but admits it brought her nothing but problems. "Beauty is only good for other peoples enjoyment".

Jose and Teresa go baby-hunting. They trespass a crime scene to find the baby. Jose gives the usual talk on how what they're doing is illegal blah blah I'm getting tired of him. They find the baby.
Subtle. Very subtle.
Like we don't know now they're going to end up together and have a baby.

Isabel talks to Federico about the food at Capadocia, Federico says Capadocia is being more loss than profit and they have to find ways to save money. He says they're coming up with something to make it more profitable (he probably means the drug dealing thing with Bambi and La Negra).
Isabel has her values. What she did with la Colombiana, she did it to save her father. I do believe she is against this kind of corruption. But I'm in love so I'm biased.
Federico says they want to accept more inmates and find more work. And since Teresa is away it will be easier because Isabel is in charge.
Isabel: Don't count on me for your shit anymore.
Federico: We have all this time ... why not now?
Isabel: Teresa isn't away for good.
Federico: You slept with her husband and now you stand for her like she's your intimate?
We all know why she was sleeping with Santiago, don't we?

While feeding the baby, Jose gets a phone call.
Jose: It's your husband.
Teresa: Santiago?
Jose: Do you have another?
That was funny.
Jose: He wants to see me.
Teresa: Now? Why?
Jose: I don't know. Maybe his secret services found out we had a baby.
That was funny again.
Zaide, the whore is giving Carla (the fake hostage) advice on how to convince her husband to get her out of there. "The bigger the man, the easier to persuade".
Santiago wanted to talk to Jose about the murders. He wants Jose to look at the stories and victims and trace a profile for the killer.
Magos makes another move on Lorena.

Magos just wants some hot lesbian sex. Don't play so hard to get Lorena.
Lorena gets a visit from that supreme court judge, the father of the girl she killed. He warns her that even though Teresa is doing everything to review her case, she's not getting out. They talk about "time" and how time in prison seems to never end and etc, and he offers her a watch. She accepts it, throws it on the floor, stomps on it, thanks him, smiles cutely and leaves.
At Santiago's office someone suggests they throw the blame of the murders to a man they captured some days ago. They don't know if he did it or not, but it's a way to calm down public opinion's pressure. Santiago is furious that they even suggested it. "In this administration we don't blame delinquents to cover incompetence".
The meeting is interrupted by Andrea-the-problem-child who goes to her father to say her mother threw her out of the house (lie). So she wants to live with Santiago.
Teresa takes the translator to visit the innocent maid. "What happened is very clear, but if you insist" says the other man, again.
Her name is Guadalupe.
She says what happened and how the man shot his wife and put the gun in her hands.
Is this how a 17 year old would wait for her father in his office?
I don't think so.

Andrea complains about Teresa, the baby that' s living with them now and basically about everything. She asks Santiago to live with him.
Jose goes to Santiago's office to give the murderer's profile. The killer is a woman, nurse or social worker, low-profile, 35-40 years, during childhood was exposed to the agony of a loved one and now associates death with the idea of helping them.
Santiago: She thinks that by killing them, she's helping them?
Jose: The idea of death is associated to the end of suffering.
Man: How do you know?
Jose: Most of the victims are old, ill women that live alone.
Along with every body they found a rosary, similar to the one her grandmother had with her. Jose says that confirms the age of the killer ... "young people don't pray". (if you're 35, you're old).
Jose suggests they find out where the rosaries are from and ask for a client with the characteristics he just gave them. And we have a psychologist solving a case and giving advice to the police.
Teresa goes talk to Antonia. She says Gerardo is paying the other inmates to beat and rape her.

Teresa says it won't be easy to transfer Antonia to Capadocia because legally she's a man. Antonia then remembers something. She has some dirt on the supreme court judge. "Go to my house and watch the videos".
Teresa apparently can get into everyone's house without a key.
She watches a video of the judge in what seems to be a S&M orgy.
At Capadocia Lorena is talking to Magos about the visit she had from the judge. She believes it's a good sign, if he came it means he's worried and Teresa is probably doing a good job with the appeal.
Lorena meets Bambi later to say she's not interested in carrying on with the drugs thingy. Bambi isn't pleased and says she will do it whether she wants it or not.

The nurse tries to kill another woman but she's able to defend herself and the police finally get her.
La Colombiana pursues her chitchats with Lorena. She asks her if she knows Cristobal. Lorena says only from the papers. La Colombiana says she does but he betrayed her. Like everyone. The only faithful lover she's had until now is Bambi.
Lorena: And do you love her?
Colombiana: I'm afraid she may not want me someday.
Lorena: If my husband was afraid he wouldn't have cheated on me with my best friend. Sometimes is better to be afraid than loved.
Teresa meets with the supreme court judge basically to blackmail him. She has the videos and pictures. She's sure she'll get Antonia out.
Judge: You don't know who you're dealing with.
Teresa: I didn't until I saw the videos.
Judge: Will you publish this?
Teresa: Not everything, just the one's you're in. With this kid with what, 17, 18 years old?
Judge: I thought you were an honest woman.
Teresa: You are the least qualified to talk about honesty or ethics. I don't understand how you can speak against the use of condoms or homosexual conduct and then do this kind of things. That's what we call double standards.
Judge: Tomorrow I'll transfer Antonia to Capadocia.
(judge turns his back and leaves)
Teresa: Well now ... we just have to talk about Lorena.
(judge returns furious)
Judge: Lorena stays.
Teresa: I have no other solution than publish the videos then. What do you think about 2 or 3 days to do what I ask you?
Sometimes you have to forget you're a good person and go for extorsion, to do a good deed.
The killer's name is Angela.

Then we see a flashback of her as a child, watching her mother kill her grandmother in the exact same way she's been killing these women.
I read somewhere that this story is based on a real case that happend in Mexico a few years ago, La Mata-Veijas (old-women killer).
I'm skipping over the parts with Andrea and Daniel and Santiago. They're boring.
Antonia gets the news, she will be transfered to Capadocia. If that teaches you a lesson is that you should always keep videos and pictures of everything you do. Specially if it's illegal and involves V.I.P.'s.
Lorena gets a visit from Patrick and her sons. She is trying to forgive and forget. She kind of believes she's going home soon and asks Patrick to not let the kids forget who she is. He assures her that will never happen, they will always know who their mother is.
Lorena: Take care of your daddy my love.
Juli (son): My daddy already has another mommy to take care of him.
*ouch* and a sad song plays and you know it's definitely over.
Teresa gets some great news. Lorena will be released.
But as she knows this, Lorena is taking drugs at Capadocia and trying to deal with the fact that her life will never be the same again.
La Colombiana goes over to Lorena's cell to comfort her.

Magos warns La Bambi and things get ugly.

At the same time Teresa is calling Jose to give him the good news. Jose is on his way to tell Lorena she's leaving tomorrow.
Will she?

Bambi kicks and punches Lorena a million times.

But she grabs a frame with photos of her family that fell down and hits Bambi on the head. Lorena is now on top and doesn't plan to let go. She hits Bambi on the head with it ... some girls try to stop her but she just did cocaine, just let her be.

The alarms go off as Jose is happily walking through Capadocia to meet Lorena. He realizes something just happened but doesn't have a clue this would be it.
When he gets there all the inmates are really quiet and serious. No one moves, no one talks ...
Jose walks into Lorena's cell ... only to find ...

*SHOCKER* Bambi is dead.
And Lorena killed her.

What now?
And that's the end of episode 9.
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