I really love the image on this show. It has a technical name but I'm not an expert. I believe people win Oscars for it?
At Capadocia Magos is talking to herself, insulting her husband and we see him there, as a dream. Lorena wakes her up.
Lorena: Are you ok?
Magos: He raped us all Lorena. My older daugher got pregnant. That's why i wanted to take them with me to heaven. So they wouldn't suffer. I didn't know what to do, the only thing i could think of was the rat poison. I made a soup and we all ate it. The younger ones died but fate kept me and Irene (the older daughter) alive. She lost her baby.
At the nursery, mother and son have now created a bond and she's finding it hard to let go. The nurse insists the baby has already eaten and she must go to work. If Isabel finds her there she will be punished (bad Isabel).
A guard walks in to take her away but the nurse lies and says the baby doesn't want to eat.
She's allowed a few more minutes.

At Capadocia everyone is getting ready for Mother's Day. We see pink pink pink, pink balloons, ribbons and hearts.
All mothers are anxious to see their children. They talk about good and bad parenting. One of them says "If politicians can have children, why can't I?" and that is so true.
Irene (Magos daughter) visits Teresa. She thinks Irene is there to visit Magos for mother's day but she isn't. She's there because she wants her share of the money Magos is making. It's been 15 years since they last saw eachother and the greedy fuck just cares about the money.
The nun and the priest are now packing some saint's figurines, apparently to sell them. The nun says they are making them uglier and uglier these days "los hacen sin amor" they are made without love. The priest says "true, but they help us feed". Selling them for money maybe.
The nun asks to confess something before she leaves but the priest questions, what sin could she have possibly commited? I'd like to know too. She doesn't say anything but the priest says she's forgiven. And off she goes.
A social worker arrives at Capadocia and she's there to take the baby away. Mother's day. Perfect timing.
Lorena is not happy about the party. And she doesn't understand how Magos can be so happy about it. Magos says her children are at peace where they are.
Cristobal tells Federico everything must go as planned at this party, they need good publicity. And while you're at it "Bring me La Colombiana tonight at 11".
We see some flashbacks of Magos family and how she poisoned her children.
The innocent woman's name is Sofia (the one who lied about running over the lunatic).
Sofia has her first meal at Capadocia, she sits with Lorena and the first thing she says is "you have beautiful hair, is that your natural colour?".
Nice to meet you too. Lorena doesn't say a word, Sofia admits she's scared of everyone else, and Lorena seems different.

Sofia's husband is trying his best to bribe everyone outside to get her out. Guilty conscience.
The nun goes to a shop to sell the figurines. As she is talking to the shop owner a client walks in, he's interested in the figurines, the owner insists those are ugly and they have better ones for sale, but the man insists, he wants those ... grabs one, breaks it in half and ... cocaine. That's what the nun was doing, selling cocaine to feed the children. And the client was actually a cop.
More cops invade the shop but the nun manages to escape.
Andrea-the-problem-child is making up excuses to meet with Daniel, she asks for his help with some work she has to do.
Federico Isabel and Teresa discuss the plans for the party. This is just an excuse for a screenshot. Notice the thumb always on her pants. Isabel, I hate you just as much as i love you.

She walks out and Federico tells Isabel he needs La Colombiana again tonight. Isabel is not happy about it
Isabel: For how long will this last?
Federico: And you think I know?
Of course he doesn't he just does what he's told.
The nun is arrested and Santiago, the governor, gets the visit of what seems to be an important church member, I'm sorry I'm not a religious person. He asks Santiago to intercede for her, and try to get the names of other members of the church behind this action. "We all need eachother Santiago, we can't govern alone". Santiago is willing to accept if the man promises to stop the church from influencing people's votes on next elections.
"I'm not asking you to support me, just stop attacks straight from the pulpit."
At Capadocia, Isabel is the right person to make you feel welcome ...
The nun has to strip "here you are an offender, just like everyone else." I know deep down Isabel is a good person.

Isabel soon regrets her request, there is a reason why the nun doesn't want to take her clothes off.

Not so tough now, are we?
Magos keeps talking to herself and seeing her husband and flashbacks of her children. Lorena comforts her.
La Colombiana meets with Cristobal and asks him to get her out of Capadocia "I'll make you the happiest man of the universe."
Some tough detectives try to get some names out of the nun but she doesn't speak, and Teresa asks them to leave.
Federico hooks up with a man only to find out he was sent by Bambi to threaten him.

"I've got a message from Bambi ... She's tired of waiting."
Jose checks on the depressed mother, and all the inmates families arrive at Capadocia for the party. Lorenas kids aren't too excited over seeing their mother. The twins avoid kissing and hugging and turn their backs. That's sad. The older one does talk, and he's the cuttest.

Irene visits Magos, but all she really wants is the money. She's still living with her father and that leaves Magos despaired. She blames Magos for losing her child (the child she was going to have from her own father!) and leaves.
This one is just to show you Isabel's outfit. Mwahaha. She's guiding the big heads through Capadocia "we have everything under control, a riot, an escape are nearly impossible"

"And from where we're standing, we see it all"

Jose knows something can go wrong so he goes check on her, and he's right, the girl is not
there. As Denise sings her most famous song "Mi Madre" (my mother) the crowd sings along in tears, Jose finds the girl about to hang herself. He missed for seconds and everything ends up with an extremely graphic suicide. She hanged herself in the middle of the festival, on stage while the music was playing.
That's how bad it was.

"One time i read that more tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones. If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I would be the responsible for the first penitentiary amendment project of the 21st century, I would have believed some God had listened to my prayers. But the Gods have strange ways of doing things and sometimes a grisly sense of humor."
And that's the end of episode 4.
In a previous episode, there was a newspaper headline stating that inmates at Capadocia would be paid for their work as seamstresses. At their original prison, they were exploited by corrupt administrators and manufacturers, and paid nothing.
When the new mother sees her infant being taken from her, she has an emotional breakdown. Jose, the prison psychiatris, puts her on anti-depressants. At the other prison, the women were allowed to keep their kids up to age 4. At the Mothers' Day fiesta, Jose spots a nurse who's supposed to be on duty. He rushes to the infirmary to find the new mother gone, and the remaining nurse bleeding on the floor after being struck in the head with an oxygen bottle.
La Monja [the nun] does not escape the bust at the figurine shop. She tries to flee, but she's at least 50 and overweight, so she's caught at the end of the street.
When La Monja is being interrogated at Capadocia, warden Teresa shows up 'muy enojada' [pissed off]. She doesn't "ask" the cops to leave; she DEMANDS they get out. She also gripes at her ex, Santiago, for setting up the interrogation without advising her.
Santiago meets with the monsignor, one step below a bishop. The history of Mexico is marked by more than a century of enmity between the government and the Catholic Church. The episode ends with La Monja flagellating herself in her cell, in a scene reminiscent of "The DaVinci Code."
Valuable insight. Thank you very much for adding.
Anybody know the song and artist playing during the closing credits?
Well, 12 years later I found the song on YouTube -- Bianca Alexander-Esperándote.
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