The director brings La Colombiana to Bambi's cell and what could have been a sexy scene, feels a little repulsive. Maybe it's the fact that Bambi really "loves" (i wouldn't call it love but it's not "liking" either) la Colombiana, but the pretty Colombian wants nothing to do with her. Maybe I was wrong but I felt she did last episode. Anyway. Bambi takes Reginas place and does what she did best, feels her breasts ... and more.(episode 1)
(episode 2)
See the difference? Me neither.
There is certainly something about her breasts.And this one is a bonus, just because i can.
We move on to Cristobal Saenz trying to justify the riot on public television while the reporter confronts him with the fact that they are trying to use this new prison (capadocia) as a free-labor place. The riot is bad publicity and no company is willing to use their services. He gives Federico 2 days to find and interested company.
Next we see La Negra and Bambi walking down the aisle reporting the news ... this is now Bambi's territory, and she will be the one and only dealer. Promptly Marta, the local junky approaches her, she needs some smack. I'm just mentioning her because she has an interesting story coming up.
It's a bit dark, sorry, but she's the one on the left (our left, Bambi's right).
And then it's back to Bambi's cell, where la Colombiana is laying in bed with nothing but bra&panties.
This is the first time they talk to eachother. La colombiana is crying and Bambi says:
Bambi: Do you know why I killed Regina?
Colombiana: No.
Bambi: For you, so you'd have someone who wants you and takes care of you. It was worth it.
Obsessive much?
La colombiana cries, Bambi cries, they hug and she feels her breasts once again. La Colombiana is holding the picture of a saint, and that picture takes us back to her life as a child. We see a little girl taking part of what seems to be a holy festivity and a woman stopping her from going with the parade because she's "dirty/ugly". Pfff, and they say children are cruel.
Teresa Lagos is at home selecting the inmates that will be transfered to Capadocia. She wants low-profile, non-agressive prisoners with high chances of rehabilitation. I believe that wasn't the governments first thought but hey ... In the words of Santiago "Capadocia will open, and is going to work." We'll see.
Back at the old prison Marta (remember her?) that's actually my name too, anyway, Marta is suffering from withdrawal and also going a little crazy over the fact that her cellmate Selma is going to be released.
Marta: Once you leave you will never visit me again.
Selma assures her she will and they will be together again outside.
All Marta can say is please don't go, please don't go, please don't go repeatedly. As they kiss, La Negra walks in and says "the honeymoon is over".
I feel for her.
Federico goes over to Teresa's house, he needs her help convincing a lingerie manufacturer that Capadocia is the right place to make their products. Teresa ask "why would I help you?" Federico replies "What else do you need in Capadocia?" ... I like Federico, he always gets what he needs the wrong way. So Teresa demands top quality medical care, a psychologist full-time and a rehabilitation center for the addicts. Federico agree's, why wouldn't he?
Patrick (Lorena's cheating husband) tries to take their 3 children to school but they refuse their entry. Apparently the other parents are a little worried over what happened. Then we see Lorena's first day in prison.
I have this feeling La Negra really likes her job. That smile ... that can't be faked.
She asks the million dollar question though "why kill the girl and not your husband?" I'm not pro-violence but if you have to kill someone ... go for the cheating partner.And then the classic:
La Negra: Take your clothes off.
Lorena: Where?
La Negra: Here!La Negra: Take it all off!
Now I know where that smile came from.
Teresa convinces the manufacturer that Capadocia will be the right place for business and back at the old prison Lorena is fresh meat.
La Colombiana notices Lorena, and Lorena notices her too. Bambi notices them both and is not pleased. We get flashbacks of the same festivities only this time La Colombiana is a teenager and leading the parade. We finally get the girls name, Consuelo. I'll stick to La Colombiana now that we're used to it. We learn she was sold, by her parents, to a drug dealer in Colombia at that same parade, and became the sexual pawn of many high powered narcos. She gets double-crossed by an american DEA agent and that's why she's in jail.
At jail the manufacturer who is on a guided trip with Teresa through the facility, notices La Colombiana and says she's better than most of her models. Looks like someone will have extra work.
Isabel who is now in charge of security tells Teresa everything is set up and tomorrow the inmates will be warned and moved to Capadocia. Teresa believes they should be warned right now but Isabel is in charge and doesn't like Teresa's liberal ways. She thinks it's safer if they know as they leave and not before. I can feel animosity. And this is just an excuse to post a Silvia's screenshot.
Tank tops and muscles *sigh*
We also learn that the girl Lorena killed is an influent judge's daughter. I feel this is important info and Lorena's appeals are going to be harder than i first thought.
In the meanwhile Bambi does her best to scare Lorena and mark her position. She steals her earrings and as Lorena turns her back and leaves, she stops her and says she doesn't have permission. This is where we get to meet Magos (remember Magos, 164?) which is going to play an important role on Lorena's new life.Magos seems to have Bambi's respect. And Bambi makes it clear to Lorena that she will let go this time because of Magos.
La Colombiana hears Bambi and La Negra talking about the new prison and wants to know what they're talking about. Bambi says she's not going anywhere. La Colombiana seems to have other thoughts. Pretty and Smart.
A new day is born and at the old prison La Negra is calling out the inmates who're going to be transfered to Capadocia. Surprise Surprise ... Consuelo Espino. And there goes La Colombiana, much to Bambi's despair.
Bambi: What have you done?
Colombiana: Nothing. I swear i didn't do anything.
Bambi: Who did you fuck bitch?
Colombiana: No one, I swear.
And that's pretty much the whole dialogue, they just keep repeating the same lines.
Bambi doesn't take this very well and turns against la Colombiana. She holds a shiv at her neck says she'll cut her face, her tits (sorry i'm being vulgar) so she doesn't go "so pretty to Capadocia".
The guards intervene at some point and take la colombiana away. Leaving Bambi kicking and screaming.
Then they cut to a beautiful scene of the prisoners being transfered by bus, all women look outside and as they see the sights on the street have flashbacks of their own lives and what led them to where they are now. The soundtrack is really good as well, I already have the album. It seems every music fits the image perfectly.
The inmates are all "checked-in" and a new phase starts at Capadocia.
Federico is proud for what he has achieved and Santiago asks for his help in keeping Teresa and Isabel working together. I like them together too. Working or not.
Isabel has her own control room, the whole prison is under surveillance and she gets to watch and hear everything. Like casual conversations between Teresa and Santiago where Teresa doesn't hide her dislike for Isabel.
Santiago thanks her for accepting his offer.
From her scary high-tech room, Isabel and Federico watch Marta as she tries to commit suicide by slashing her wrists with some broken glass. Yet another excuse for some screenshots.
Teresa asks Federico where are the medical team and psychologist she was promised and the detox center. Federico says she was crazy on bringing addicts to Capadocia, Teresa reacts quickly and says most inmates become addicts inside prison because of people like him who try at all costs to profit from others misery. Federico isn't happy and neither is Isabel.Sometimes it feels like we're not watching a tv show but a documentary on mexico's judicial system and prisons. Most of the time is not a funny show and I don't think it's supposed to be. It's easy to get attached. And we learn some things along the way.
Like for example, Federico is probably gay as the next scene is basically him relaxing at a gay club. I should have known when he went to the opera last episode with a beautiful lady and couldn't take his eyes off an handsome man.
Next we see Federico at the old prison, La Negra called him for Bambi wanted to have a chat. Bambi knows everything about everyone and is willing to talk if they don't move her to Capadocia.
Santiago brings in the psychologist Teresa asked for.
Apparently the food is terrible Lorena doesn't even touch it but Magos persuades her to "eat for her children".
Teresa overviews as the workstation where the inmates will work is being installed. The work will not be free Teresa guarantees. Jose, the psychologist is shown listening to some inmates talk about their lives and why they are at Capadocia.
La Colombiana says all she wanted was to be La Reina de Maio, The Queen of May ... and then we see Isabel listening to this conversation with a thoughtful-ish expression. Maybe she also wanted to be the queen of May? Here, maybe if i post a screeshot you'll get the feeling.
Talking to Jose, all Lorena says is "Quiero mi tote, mi tote, mi tote, mi tote, mi tote". Yes, that's basically why she is there. Think twice before having children.
Isabel assures Federico that from now on no one will remember the riot at the old prison. She says this while wearing an army jacket, tight pants, high heel boots, a gun belt strapped-on to her leg and holding her thumbs in her pants. I'm in love.
Teresa goes home and gets a phone call, all she says is "what show?" apparently they're having a catwalk at capadocia to "inaugurate" the facility. Cristobal's words. Someone wasn't aware of it.
Cristobal points out Federico as the genius behind the idea, Teresa gives Federico the looks, and not the good ones. Federico then introduces Teresa to the father of the girl Lorena killed. "I know you have chosen my daughter's murderer as one of your protégés" ... "They are not my proteges, they are inmates who are likely to reintegrate" and then she gives an up-down-up look to Isabel, who by the way, looks great but that's not why Teresa is looking unfortunately.The last girl to model is La colombiana wearing a black pair of wings like the little angel she is. She instantly catches Cristobals attention who turns to Federico and says "I want to see her tonight at your house". What are you waiting for Federico, make it happen!
And so he does, and we see Isabel leading La Colombiana through some "secret" tunnels that lead outside and she's taken to Federico's house, for Cristobal's enjoyment.
If you want anything done, call Federico.
And that's the end of episode 2.
What is the name of the song and artist from the scene where they are on the bus headed to capadocia??? Thanks in advance!
Thank you so much for these synopses. I'm learning Spanish so i don't use subtitles and this information is great for providing an overview of each episode so I can keep along with the general plot.
Do you have them for seasons 2 and 3 also?
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