December 11, 2008
Thank You
Like I said, spanish isn't my 1st language (and neither is english) so feel free to leave a comment if you think something should be changed.
Keep reading!
December 04, 2008
Season 2
It's not fresh news but I've been busy.
HBO announced a 2nd season and filmings started in October and will go on until January.
New 13 episodes soon, very soon, we hope.
May 27, 2008
Episode 13 - Paraíso Perdido (lost paradise)
*(update: There will be a 2nd Season)
Paraíso Perdido, or Lost Paradise is a really suggestive title and I think it fits this episode perfectly ...
The price of fame.
Meet Brenda Yamilet. Brenda used to be a famous pop star. She's watching videos from back in the day.

From the TV you can hear this:
Voice: Señoras y Señores con ustedes la sensacional
Brenda: (la sensacional)
Voice: la incomparable, la única
Brenda: (la única),
Voice: la número uno
Brenda: (la numero uno),
Voice: la fenomenal, Brenda Yamilet y su éxito La Maldita Primavera.
[Ladies and gentlemen with you, the sensational, incomparable, unique, number 1, fenomenal Brenda Yamilet and her hit La Maldita Primavera]
Brenda repeats what the man says. She's drinking coke and taking pills and just like everyone else on this show seems high on something.

She goes to her room then where 2 TV's are playing the same video.

She sings along ... hardly.

And here's the song she's singing.

Cut to something you don't see often.
Andrea is being friendly to Ruth. She says she loves her very much and wishes she could be like her.

Isabel's father, the General, is having a military funeral. She's alone there, no friends?
Santiago shows up eventually.

(i know this is a sad moment and respect is demandable but check out the veiny arm)
Santiago already knows about the drugs at Capadocia. He asks Isabel if Teresa knows and why didn't she tell him. She says Cristobal had information about her father and she suspects he had something to do with his death, because he died a day after Isabel told him about the drugs.

At Capadocia everyone is working nonstop. Marta asks to go to the toilet but she's not allowed. No one is allowed to leave until everything is done.

She has no choice.

Federico, Teresa, Isabel and Lina (the owner of the lingerie) are having a meeting. Federico wants Teresa to force the inmates to work more hours. Teresa says she can't force them, Federico says she can, this is a prison not a playground.

Isabel watches strinking a pose we've grown to love.
Teresa: I know this is really hard for you to understand Federico, but they are not slaves.
Lina: If i don't have everything ready in time they'll cancel it. Don't forget I'm here because you've brought me here.
Federico and Lina leave. Teresa tells Isabel she doesn't understand the hurry. Isabel then tells her everything.
Isabel: We are the biggest exporter of Drogas de diseño* to Europe.
* [droga de diseño (n.) = club drug, designer drug Ex: Club drugs are frequently used at raves, in bars or clubs, and at home with friends. Ex: ecstasy]
If i sound nerdy, that's because I am.

Teresa: What are you talking about?
Isabel: The bras filling is nothing but drugs.
Teresa: ... no
Isabel: It's true.
Teresa: Since when have you known about it?
Isabel: Not long.
Teresa: Well we have to tell someone, does Lina know?
Isabel: No. Cristobal is using her ... and if we tell ...
Teresa: It's you and me who'll get the blame.
Isabel: And that's not the worst that could happen. Who knows who's behind Cristobal.
Carlos, the American meets with Cristobal, he calls him Christopher, so now you know Cristóbal means Christopher in case you want to name your son an exotic latino name. Although Chris is not really exotic, is it?
Anyway, Carlos says if they don't have everything ready in time, they'll cancel and that's it. But that's not just it.
Carlos then tells him about a little problem they had with another guy, Huerta ... He looks out the window and asks Cristobal if he'd like to say hello to Huerta.
Outside a group of reporters gather around 2 heads ... 2 bodiless heads stuck on a fence.

Cristobal: What's this, Carlos?
Carlos: It's an amazing thing. How easy it is to lose your head in this country when you don't read your contracts properly.

[para que aprendan a cumplir su palabra = So they learn how to keep their word]

Carlos: So Christopher ... Do you want to cancel it?
Cristobal: No.
Carlos: Good boy.
It's the last episode but more characters come into play.
Meet a nameless detective, who lives in a great house and is probably doing illegal things on the side. A woman joins him, they're smuggling precious stones, they're green so I'm guessing emeralds.

Man: I've found her.
Woman: Who?
Man: Who? Who have you been looking for all this time?
He shows her a picture. It's La Colombiana.

Woman: Where is she?
Man: Kiss me and I'll tell you.
She does.
Woman: Where is she?
Man: Finally i've found something you care about.
Woman: Don't fuck with me, where is she?
Man: I'll tell you, but it's going to cost you.
Woman: What do you want?
Man: I want you to feel it. I want to see your face when you feel it.
At Capadocia Lorena is not giving La Colombiana enough attention.

La Colombiana: Why are you acting so strage with me ... Don't you like me anymore?

La Colombiana: I'm getting old.

Yes Lorena ... women.

Lorena: I don't even know what I want anymore.

Marta asks Lorena for drugs.
Lorena: Didn't you quit?
Marta: What do you care?
The nameless detective and woman have sex, she asks him to tell her the name of her brother's murderer.
Man: Her name is Consuelo Espino, and she's here in this city.
Woman: Where?
Man: A female prison, Capadocia. And she'll be there for a long time unless you plan otherwise.
Woman: I plan otherwise.
Man: Do you want me to kill her or what?
Woman: No, this is personal. It's a family matter and that we have to take into our own hands.
Man: And how do you think you'll do it? (...) Let her be ... if you kill her you'll be doing her a favour.
She wants the man to help her get arrested for smuggling.
The man says he'll have her killed instead.

That's not what she wants.
At home, Teresa and Ruth are having breakfast. Ruth is reading the newspaper.
Ruth: Andrea is not on the news.
Teresa: Fortunately.
Ruth: Is she going to prison?
Teresa: Of course not.
The phone rings. Someone from Capadocia saying the 20 inmates can't be released. Bureaucracies.
Another call. It's Santiago. Andrea is on the news afterall.
They turn the TV on and now everyone knows.
The supreme court judge and Santiago's opponent watch with delight.
Teresa goes to the jewelry store talk to the owner.
Teresa: Why did you do it Lidia?
Lidia: They made me.
Teresa: Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you call Santiago?
Lidia: I was afraid.
Teresa: And because you were afraid you sold out my daugther?
Lidia: I didn't bring her here and didn't tell her to rob this place. Don't blame me for something she brought on herself. I did what I could.
Andrea calls her best friend to stay over, but she says she's not even allowed to speak to her.
The bell rings. She opens the door and 3 men take her away. At first i thought they were there to hurt her or arrest her but they just drop her at Jose's house.
She'll be safe there.
Jose: Your parents don't want you to be alone ... and no one must know you're here.
Andrea: Why here?
Jose: It's here or prison.
Andrea: But that's exactly what I want. You slept with that whore too right?
Jose: If you say that again I'll kick you out of my house, I don't care if the police is after you. You wanted revenge right? Did you get it? You got involved with her ex-boyfriend.
Andrea: In case you don't know, Daniel is way younger than her ...
Jose: And way older than you but that doesn't matter ... what matters is your mother is going crazy trying to get you out of this problem.
Brenda, the singer, is waiting for someone who doesn't seem very interested in seeing her. His secretary keeps making up excuses but she believes once she tells him AGAIN she's Brenda Yamilet he'll see her.
Santiago and Teresa go to Jose's house.
Santiago: Our houses are surrounded by reporters.
Teresa: Thank you for having her, where is she?
Jose: In her room, but she doesn't want to talk to you. I'm going for a walk. You two need to talk.
Teresa and Santiago talk about the old times, when Andrea was young. Teresa says she's taking Andrea out of the country so Santiago's political career isn't over ... Santiago says it's already over.
Teresa: Yes but you can get arrested if you help her get away.
Santiago: And so can you.
Andrea hears everything.
Santiago: I'd forgotten how much I love her.
Teresa: It's been a long time since I last saw you like this.
Santiago: That's why you married me ... but it was a long time ago.
Teresa: How did time fly by so quickly?
Santiago: Well ... I have to get her a new ID and a private plane to take her to Canada. You go with her.
Teresa agrees. Andrea watches everything. Santiago gets a phone call. The arrest order is out, the passport is ready and so is the plane. Andrea runs away from Jose's home without anyone noticing.
Carlos and Cristobal have another meeting, Federico is there too. Everything's in order, Carlos makes the second payment, the rest will be paid when the drugs are delivered, to Cristobals swiss bank account. I didn't know Switzerland was an offshore paradise ... The things we learn about the eternally neutral.
Cristobal keeps the money but doesn't count it.
Carlos: Aren't you going to count it?
Cristobal: It's not necessary. We both know what happens when someone doesn't keep his word.

And that's the smile of a man thinking "Good boy".
Santiago gets a phone call, Andrea turned herself in.

More drama.

Reporters: Governor, will you use your influences to save your family? Aren't you ashamed your daughter is a thief? End up like this when the motto of your campaign was honesty? Aren't you ashamed of your daughter?
Santiago: No miss, I'm not ashamed of my daughter and I wouldn't be under any circumstances. I'm staying behind my daughter, legally, socially and personally. And if anyone dares offend her, I'm also willing to respond as a man. You're not talking to this city's governor, you're talking to a father and so i demand that you respect my private life.
Andrea gets up and talks to the reporters as well.
Andrea: I made a mistake. I did something stupid and turned myself in. I'm going to face the consequences because that's what my parents have taught me.
Brenda, the singer, is still drinking and taking pills while watching Andrea on the news ... but she changes channels to watch herself perform again, La Maldita Primavera.
Andrea has her hearing.

For armed robbery and private property destruction ... she gets an Auto de formal prisión.* Which means she doesn't get her sentence yet but she'll have to wait for it ... in prison.
* [An "auto de formal prision" is an order for the commitment of the defendant, a court order directing a defendant in a criminal action to be held in custody pending trial.] at WordReference forums.
Santiago resigns from his role as head of the party and also the run for president.
The supreme court judge and Cristobal watch it together on the news.
Brenda, the singer, is frying some eggs and sniffing cocaine. She calls the company again, the secretary tells her again he's not there, although he is.
Hello Andrea and welcome to Capadocia.
Lorena is doing drugs with La Colombiana.
La Colombiana: Do you think this girl (andrea) is staying here for a long time?
Lorena: No, I don't think so. Her father has many contacts.
La Colombiana: Of course ... my real question is ... why did she take the mask off in front of the camera? Obviously, to get caught ... but why? ... because she wanted to fuck someone ... but who? ... the parents! who else ... we always want to fuck the parents.
She's under the influence but probably thinking about her own life and the fact that her parents sold her when she was really young.
Lorena is acting strange.
Santiago is somehow convinced to return to the party and run for president. He's the peoples favourite and has a lot of support.
Everyone knows he's going to win. The man Brenda, the singer, is after, knows Cristobal and the supreme court judge. They know their candidate won't win and agree they'll probably have to leave the country (hmm?).
So they plan how to get rid of Santiago. Cristobal asks the judge if he knows anyone who'd be willing to do it ... he doesn't, for a job this size (kill the future president).
Cut to Brenda. Walking down the street, a group of women ask for her autograph and she's delighted.
At Capadocia Lorena seems restless, she goes to the toilet, La Negra stops her and warns her she's taking too much.
Lorena: What do you care?
Andrea is having troubles with the sewing machine, just like any 18 year old would. Magos teaches her. Magos cares for the young ... and pretty.
Yolanda picks a fight with Andrea on purpose. "Are you going to tell your mommy?"
She might.
Lorena is down at the headquarters where she makes the drugs.
Teresa catches her.
Lorena: Are you sending me to the solitary?
Teresa: No. I need your help.
Teresa, Lorena and Isabel meet.
Teresa: Are you all aware of what we're going to do?
Isabel: It's our only option.
Lorena: At the workstation is impossible.
Isabel: We can do it in the cellar.
Yes we can.
Isabel: I'll make sure no one notices.
Lorena: You have to remove La Negra from that shift.
Isabel: Done.
Teresa: But we need more work done per shift.
Lorena: I'll take care of that.
Isabel: What do you plan to do?
Lorena: It has to be something really special ... we have to think about everything.
Isabel: Everything ... except let you escape.Naughty Lorena.
The man Brenda, the singer, was after goes to her house "I've got your gold record."
He hands her a gun.
At Capadocia while everyone is packing the bras Antonia is trying them on. Here's our Where's Wally / Waldo moment.
Lorena and other inmates are swapping the fillings before the merchandise is taken. Isabel and Teresa give a little hand.
Cristobal and Federico are looking at what could be the future male prison.
Cristobal gets a phone call. It's Carlos.
Cristobal: (phone) I don't know what you're talking about Carlos.
Cristobal to Federico: What have you done?
Federico: What? What are you talking about?
Cristobal: The fillings have been swapped, what have you done you idiot?
Carlos shows up.
Cristobal: Where is Juan? Where is Juan? (bodyguard)
Carlos: Christopher ... What a surprise! You didn't kill yourself.
Cristobal: I swear I have no idea what happened but I'll give the money back.
Carlos: No, no, no, I don't give a flying fuck about the money. It's not the money but my name I have to look after.
Someone was asking for Juan ... ? Here he is.
Or his head.
Carlos: Where ... is ... the cargo?
Cristobal: Inside the bras on its way to Spain!
Carlos: Well guess what you sick fuck ... Someone swapped it along the way because they never made it.
Cristobal: No, I swear not! I'll pay you triple!
But Carlos shoots him twice ... Cristobal is dead.
Carlos: Hey Federico ... I guess I'll be seeing you.
Lucky bastard got away alive.
Then we see a sequence of the inmates talking to Jose, one at a time, first one is La Colombiana.
La Colombiana: I just wish there was one night I didn't dream about them ... one.
Sofia: I love Joel more than anything.
Nun: I've lost my God ... and I've lost my children.
Lorena: If he hadn't asked me to return (son) ... I'd be there, at my home.
Isabel meets Santiago.
Isabel: We're not seeing eachother anymore, right?
Santiago: What happened with Andrea changed my point of view.
Isabel says she loves him (eww).
They walk out of the building. Brenda, the singer, is waiting at a corner.
(check out Isabel's arm)
Isabel and Santiago got shot. 2 men down.
Teresa tells Andrea about Santiago. They bond.
Mercedes goes to Capadocia for smuggling.
And guess who's the first person she sees on her way in.
Another inmate is about to enter Capadocia, Brenda the singer. But she's not happy with the idea. She meets Mr. Taser.
And gets dragged to Capadocia.
She has to sign some papers so this is what she does. Autographs it, just like any star would.
And now a funny moment:
When she's taken inside all the inmates start singing her song. Antonia is dancing with herself.
She's taken to her cell ... They're putting her together with Andrea ... Wise decision, she's just tried to kill her father. And La Negra makes sure Andrea knows who Brenda is.
Santiago's at the hospital and so is Isabel.
Mexico's Attorney General visits Santiago to tell Teresa they already have the conclusions on the this case. They know Brenda did it, don't know why or on whose orders and the case is now closed.
Teresa: It was a deep investigation ... as always. I have to thank you for the fact you didn't conclude he shot himself.
The man means no harm though and tells Teresa he believes the woman had someone behind her. He has to respect official reports but when he finds out who did it, Teresa will be the first to know.
Andrea is taken to Yolanda.
Yolanda: Now you'll know what we have to go through.
Lorena jumps in.
She's losing it.
She goes to the ex-headquarters.
Lorena: Thanks for coming ... Who am I Murían? How did I get here?
Lorena goes to her cell and brings handcuffs with her.
She gives the keys to La Colombiana.
Lorena: Whatever I do ... Whatever I say ... Don't let me go.
Even in prison you can hit rock-bottom.
The 20+ inmates did get released.
Guess who's out?
And guess who's waiting for her ...
Pheew, one happy ending.
While Isabel's at the hospital La Negra warms up her chair.
Next scene is what I believe a sequence of dreams or thoughts ...
La Colombiana is at the catwalk again.Moving on to the nun and La Santita praying ...
Down to Antonia ...Right to Angela ...
Lorena reading a bedtime story ...
Andrea dreaming she's being comforted by her mother ...
... but it's really Magos.
And that's the end of episode 13 ... and Season 1.
I've really enjoyed this show and am really hoping for a second season, but to me, it seems there's not much left to say about many characters.
Except maybe Andrea, Teresa, La Colombiana and Federico (why was he left alive?). But let's see ...
Marta is out with Selma.
Lorena will probably never leave Capadocia, her husband already found someone else, he's not in town anymore and she'll probably never see her children again.
Antonia is at Capadocia like she wanted.
La Santita and the nun weren't talked about much.
Yolanda is dead or injured.
Magos found another youngster to harass.
Santiago and Isabel are at the hospital, if he survives he'll probably win the elections.
Cristobal is dead.
That's pretty much it.
On the other hand ...
How will Teresa handle this new life ...
How will La Colombiana escape Mercedes ...
Why is Federico alive ...
What's going to happen to Lorena ...
How will Andrea deal with Brenda ...
It can go both ways i guess.
I'm still crossing my fingers for a second season though.